Powerful, next generation messaging technology
Thanks for applying to the
Panquake BETA Team of 5,000!
This is your chance to become one of the users who will help form the trusted core of the Panquake network.
IMPORTANT: Before applying, please read our FAQ which contains important information about the process.
Here's what we need from you:
Help us establish Trust
Our BETA users will have trusted roles in the network, so we need to verify that they are genuine social media users. This also helps us avoid collecting personal data like email addresses or phone numbers during the selection process. Please point us to your social media profile on your network of choice:
Share this on the platform chosen above:
I just applied to join the Panquake Team of 5000 Beta users! You can too: https://panquake.com/5000 Donate to make the Panquake Beta happen faster: https://gogetfunding.com/panquake

Claim your BETA code
After following the three steps above, you may claim a BETA code that is generated here for you. If your application is accepted, this token will gain you entry to the BETA platform upon release. BETA users will get the reduced subscription price of only $3 per month - for life! If, upon BETA release, your code returns a “Sorry, we were not able to accept you into the BETA” message, you will be supplied with an Early Access Code instead so that you can still get in ahead of the Public Release!