Powerful, next generation messaging technology

Panquake Community Updates

It's becoming a thing!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

We have much to share with you about our exciting progress in reaching our vision of making the internet a better and safer place for everyone.

Panquake is no longer just a project - it is a product pipeline. In the last year, our development team have tackled 803 tasks and produced 2,009 code files containing 243,857 lines of code (net). The development team grew by 80% over the period. In this newly released video, founder Suzie Dawson confirms that there are still two product reveals scheduled for this year, and another two for 2025.

"Our company - Talk Liberation - has become a bona fide software development house, bringing you a whole suite of solutions. It is going to transform the way that you use the internet, and the way you communicate with other users. In every instance, our products are engineered to secure you and your privacy and that of the people you share information with and who you care about." - Talk Liberation founder, Suzie Dawson

Also this year, Panquake converged in Hong Kong to present the newest slice of the Panquake pie - a powerful yet intuitive next-generation digital marketing platform and enterprise short link and QR code service. It offers privacy and security while being simpler and more effective to use than existing products.

Watch this space for an imminent launch announcement!

"When it comes to clicking on links, it's a matter of trust. Quite rightly, very few users feel confident in clicking on unknown links these days. Our new platform solves the problem of you or your audience being scared to click on links or QR codes, by delivering a trustworthy service that builds brand trust." - Rene de Wit, Chief Commercial Officer

It's becoming a thing!

For the second year in a row, our founder Suzie Dawson will be speaking via video link at privacy-focused Monerotopia's annual conference in Mexico City in November.

If you missed her seminal and (frankly) brave speech from last year, when Suzie warned about the grave dangers to users of AI in social media, you can catch up with our 2023 Substack article recapping the event and anticipate that Suzie's 2024 speech will be equally powerful.

Some of our team will be on the ground at Monerotopia - and, yes - once again, there will be limited edition, privacy-respecting Panquake merch!

We are doing it differently!

Panquake products have already begun changing the world. You may have seen some of your favourite influencers posting Pnqk Me short links on social media, to protect themselves and their audiences. Together we are sticking it to Big Tech and not a moment before time!

As tens of thousands of users already know, Pnqk Me is a link-shortening service that respects your privacy and strips out cookies and other trackers from links. Haven't tried it yet? Give Pnqk Me a go. Talk Liberation has provided this service for free to recognise the community support that has brought us this far.

"Although we started as a social media company - Talk Liberation has become so much more, developing solutions for individuals and companies. Sure, it's still a social media company, but my goodness, it's so much more than that!" - John Kiriakou, Brand Ambassador

Thank you so much for all of your incredible support that has helped get us this far. Watch for Part 2 of this update!

With love,

- The Panquake Team

Panquake 2024: The Year That Will Change Everything

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

You did it. You really did. Panquake is bigger, brighter and delivering products into your hands faster than ever before and it's all because of YOU!!!

Next Product Release Coming This May

Hot on the heels of the stratospherically performing Panquake Me which was released in the last quarter of 2023, the Panquake team has just announced that the next piece of the Panquake pie will be presented this May in Hong Kong!

That's right - only a month from now the next amazing privacy-respecting user-protecting tool will be revealed and you will be the first to know about it!

New Video Out NOW!

In a newly released video, Suzie and Sean dish on new funding, introduce several new execs and share the exciting news that the Panquake staff grew by more than 100% in 2023. This has resulted in a dramatic increase in progress and you can expect HUGE things coming your way very, very soon. Check out the video below to hear from some of our key people - including the amazing John Kiriakou:

A full transcript of the video is available at our Substack

NEW: Updated Panquake Me Stats Reveal Massive Gains

Less than half a year since Panquake Me was released the team have published updated metrics and the results are incredible.

The daily average of links created using Pnqk.me is up 56.52% between November 2023 - April 2024. This is huge!

The click-to-link ratio has also significantly increased across the period:

And our team have been super busy beavers hard at work validating domains to make sure they are safe for users:

The Panquake Ethos

With two open-source code releases behind us and the third on its way, you know that the Panquake social network is closer than ever before. There has never been a more important time for software that places the user FIRST to rise up and champion your rights to freedom of communication. You can be sure all of our products have been designed to do exactly that - to benefit you and to place you at the center of every decision.

While many people are mortified by the trajectory of big platform technologies, Panquake has remained united in our focus on providing you with your lifeboat away from Big Tech exploitation. 2024 is the year that we will deliver, deliver, deliver on everything we have worked so diligently to build to date. Your support in the last three years is about to pay off - big time! Congratulations!!!

We will write again soon so please keep an eye out and continue spreading the word about the Panquake family and all the yummy treats we are baking up for you!

And - since our original @Panquake account is still unjustly censored by Twitter - if you want to keep updated with the latest privacy and technology news, make sure you are following our new Telegram channel and that you are subscribed to our Substack! Both are very active channels that many of our followers don't yet know to check in on. More updates coming soon!!

In the meantime, many of you are already protecting your friends, family, communities and audiences by converting the links you share online to Panquake Me links first (it's free!) and for that, here's a big Panquake heart from us to you.

With love,

- The Panquake Team

The Numbers Are In - And They're Outstanding

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

Six weeks ago we brought you Panquake Me - a FREE, super easy to use link converter that strips all the Big Tech nasties out of the links you share online, protecting you and your audience. Well, the numbers are in on user adoption of this vital new tool and they're outstanding!

PLUS: our CTO Sean O'Brien and Brand Ambassador John Kiriakou have been hitting the podcast circuit to teach people about what Pnqk.me can do for them - keep reading for links to those appearances!

Key Panquake Me Metrics Released

Digital marketers would explode with glee if 86% of visitors to their sites actually engaged with their product! Such a conversion rate is unheard of in the industry yet that is exactly what Pnqk.me is achieving: 86.38% of visitors to Panquake Me went ahead and created a Pnqk.me link!

Now let's play Devil's advocate for a moment. Maybe this just means visitors wanted to check it out, right? See if it works?

That in itself would still be a victory, but we know more: the number of clicks on links generated in Panquake Me is exponential to the number of links created.

Which means: Pnqk.me links are in active circulation and users are happily clicking on them!

Panquake Me Metrics "Outstanding"

Panquake Founder and Chief Product Officer Suzie Dawson spoke about the significance of the Panquake Me metrics and said:

"I've engineered multiple viral campaigns for human rights movements in the past. It generally took about a year and a half of consistent effort to go from something no one had ever heard of to something everyone knew about. The performance of Panquake Me across the last six weeks tracks well above other campaigns I have worked on. These results are outstanding."

We've Listened To Your Feedback And Been Making Changes

While some of you are loving the archiving option on Panquake Me, others find the delays introduced by the archive services while they do their thing, kind of annoying.

Therefore we've been increasingly validating the authenticity of the domains you are linking to, which adds the 'Original Page' option when you create your Pnqk.me link. This makes it faster and easier for you and your audience to access the content you want to share safely. An example of the 'Original Page' option is below:

Getting back to cool statistics, the following chart illustrates the extent of our efforts to improve Panquake Me for you!

Your feedback has been vital in helping us to understand the ways you would like us to serve you. And as you can see from the above, we've certainly been putting the work in. So please keep it coming!

Emmy Award-winning Investigative Journalist Sharyl Attkisson; TNT Radio and Covert Action Podcast All Covering Panquake Me!

The bravest and the brightest work for Panquake and it is always a treat to hear them speaking from the heart about what we're doing, why we're doing it and how we are serving up a better internet for people just like you and those you care about.

Recently, some big name platforms have been taking notice and have invited our guys to come on and chat about our game-changing solutions.

Listen to our CTO Sean O'Brien and our Brand Ambassador John Kiriakou at the following:

1 . The Sharyl Attkisson Podcast featuring John Kiriakou

2. Panquake on TNT Radio with Jeremy Nell: with Sean O'Brien and John Kiriakou

3. Covert Action Podcast: 'Building Social Media Inspired By Openness and Transparency'

New Panquake Products In The Works

As teased by our team at the Panquake Me release event - a commercial version of Panquake Me is in the works. The new product, set to be released in 2024 will provide a full scale digital marketing dashboard packed with campaign tools, allowing the creation of bulk safe links for online communities to share and click on.

This will revolutionise the digital marketing space - providing marketers with the power and versatility they expect from their work tools, but executed in a way which reassures their audiences that they are not being spied on. Helping businesses to become a part of the solution, rather than to be seen as part of the problem.

Panquake's global team is hard at work completing the Panquake social network as well as these offshoot tools that together will change the internet as we know it - for the better.

YOUR SUPPORT is what has made this all happen! Every time you create a Panquake Me link you are literally making the world a better, safer and more ethical place.

Please help us to spread the word about how our community is transforming our collective digital future.

We hope you have a fabulous holiday season and will be back with more exciting news about imminent releases in the New Year 2024.

With love,

- The Panquake Team

NOW SERVING: An early release of the Panquake pie!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

Yes, you read right! We are delivering to you the first piece of the Panquake pie!

Introducing Panquake Me: our new link cleaning, shortening and archiving service!

Pnqk.me allows you to share links safely to your family and friends, without fear of tracking and mapping of your entire network. Ever share a link on a "sensitive" topic, to only have sent them to a dead link? You send people nowhere, while the websites have tracked and mapped out who you sent that link to.

With Panquake Me you can now share with no fear and get more clicks!

This is a game-changer, set to disrupt the way we share content online. As promised and staying true to our mission, our Panquake team is delivering products that respect user privacy.

What can you expect with Pnqk.me?

Panquake Me has three great functions:

1. Strips your links of any marketing or ad trackers,
2. Archives the original link so it never disappears, and
3. Shortens the link.

All within one simple click!

Check out the Panquake Me announcement video by our team below:

If you prefer short and sweet, click here for our 2 minute User Guide video.

What our Founder and Chief Product Officer, Suzie Dawson, had to say:

"For too long journalists, activists and the general public have had to fear the links they share. Never knowing what was really hidden inside the link or whether the content would still be accessible in the future.

Recognising the urgency, we sliced off a piece of the cake of our Panquake technology to bring forward an early release of our application, in the solution that is Pnqk.me - a simple, free, link sharing and archive tool in one, that's safe for you to use. This is a big win for internet users the world over, reducing the fear of digital profiling from big corporates and governments who map your networks, of who you share content to."

What is captured when I normally share links?

Trackers collect and store your browsing activities when you share a link and permanently associate you with the activities of anyone who then clicks on those links. This data - known as "social network analysis data" or "social graph data" can then be used in ways which you probably won't know about and therefore can't consent to.

The data is frequently packaged and sold to Big Data companies, other social networks or corporations across a wide range of industries, or even to governments and intelligence agencies.

Why use Panquake Me?

Using Pnqk.me when you share links helps to protect you, your family, your friends, your communities, your audience from having your personal data captured and exploited.

From our Chief Technology Officer, Sean O'Brien:

"We don't record identifiers about you or anyone who clicks on Panquake Me links. When you provide a link, we save the scrubbed URL and a time-stamp. All of our source code is Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS), so security researchers and the public can verify this.

Other link shortening services may actually track your activity or the activity of those who you share links with, Pnqk.me does not. I'm proud to be a part of Panquake's international team that's driving these ethical solutions to protect users."

What is so unique about Panquake Me?

Pnqk.me is the first link shortening service that cleanses AND archives the original source content all in one easy step. Other link shortening services may actually track your activity or the activity of those who you share links with. Panquake Me does not track your activity.

Our team has gone above and beyond by utilizing smart, innovative and transparent software development practices to better protect you and those you share links with.

Pnqk.me links scrub "referrer" tags and other nasties that are used to track people around the web, and then we give you a short URL at Panquake Me to share with your friends and family.

This provides better privacy for you and anyone you share the link with. We scrub your link using rules provided by the Open-Source project ClearURLs. Our service also archives your link so that it is preserved for the future, using Archive.today and, optionally, the Internet Archive and IPFS.

I want Panquake! When will it be ready?

We want Panquake out ASAP as well and have an amazing team working every day to make that happen as quickly as possible. The technology behind Pnqk.me is actually a slice from the Panquake pie! Panquake uses Panquake Me to share clean, short archived links, within the app.

Because we know you're dying to get your hands on our service, we've decided to carve off and deliver our first slice of Panquake to you right now, with Pnqk.me. While we continue working hard on our network and blockchain build, this is our early release to you.

The minute the Panquake Beta application is ready for release, we'll be notifying everyone via our website and our Substack page. So make sure you're subscribed!

Want to help?

* Subscribe to our Substack

* Support our GoGetFunding campaign by donating today

* Start using Panquake Me to share widely - Be the change!

* Spread the word about the brighter future that is coming

* If you like what you see, let us know at contact@talkliberation.com!

We look forward to bringing you another update in the future. Until then, we're back to work to bring you Panquake!

With love,

- The Panquake Team

MEGA UPDATE!!! Plus: Panquake Exposes AI-Driven Social Media

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

As promised, our consistently growing Panquake team has been hard at work 24/7 (literally - across multiple time zones) working in-house as well as with various trusted international suppliers to get operational systems and network online in preparation for delivery.

So What Is Panquake Up To?

Collectively, we are tackling thousands of large and small tasks involving many different areas of our organization and consisting of many moving parts. Every single day our team progresses the implementation of business administration, account management, customer service, marketing, technical support, disaster recovery, legal policies, company policies, training materials, HR systems, release documentation and other user resources to say nothing of the technicals!

Security, maintenance, infrastructure, peer-to-peer network rollout, Git preparation, Open Source community planning and management, metrics, reporting is just to name a fraction of what we are systematically working through to deliver the BEST social media solution in the world into your waiting hands.

There are new staffers being brought on and trained every single month and thanks to our fabulous and committed team we're making enormous strides with every passing week.

Panquake is not an 'if', it's a foregone conclusion: It's built, it's funded, and it's coming!

Suzie Dawson's Monerotopia Presentation - Transcript Available Now

Recently, our Founder Suzie Dawson took a few hours out to speak to an audience of privacy activists and technologists about the relevance of Panquake's blockchain architecture in a world facing myriad threats from AI.

A full transcript of her presentation is available now on our Talk Liberation Substack page. If you haven't already, please subscribe at this link.

In a presentation titled "PANQUAKE: Baking Human Rights Into Next Gen Blockchain Tech” Suzie spoke by video link to attendees at Monerotopia 2023 - the Monero blockchain's annual conference in Mexico City, Mexico.

The speech covers:

  • Dawson’s personal journey to the conception of Panquake
  • How fake news and censorship is only the beginning and we will soon live in an undetectable filterverse powered by AI
  • AI systems are not only stealing our ideas and innovations without attribution, but engaging with surveillance systems and much worse
  • Call for action for more Web3 projects to counter AI systems and to embed economic freedom by design
  • How Panquake is providing one of the alternatives for a different future
  • Q&A from the audience at Monerotopia

Attendees at the conference got access to a special one-off line of privacy-respecting Panquake merchandise including custom eyewear, umbrellas and privacy pens with disappearing ink.

Regarding the one-off merchandise, Dawson said: “Panquake’s ethos of protecting users extends to our merchandising. That’s why our exclusive privacy-protecting merch like sunglasses, umbrellas and bags, are only available in person at conferences and events. Enabling you to collect limited edition Panquake goodies without handing over any data whatsoever.”

A collection of short video clips of Suzie's appearance are also available on the Panquake Vimeo account.

Panquake Takes A Public Stand Against AI In Social Media

Panquake is the ONLY social media company in the world which is making a public commitment to not utilize AI systems or AI-integrated technologies in its products and services OR in its internal business systems and production technologies.

This one-liner quote from Suzie's Monerotopia presentation says it all really:

“You can’t claim to be a social media company taking a stand against bots if you’re run by them.” - Panquake Founder and Chief Product Officer, Suzie Dawson.

But wait, there's more:

"You can’t claim to be acting for the betterment of humanity if you are undermining the workforce and the marketplace through the use of AI. Not to mention contributing to spying on users, profiling them and monetizing their data. Some people, who shall remain nameless, claim that AI is a potential threat to humanity while simultaneously investing in AI systems and operating businesses riddled with AI technology. That is an abject hypocrisy, and we at Panquake don’t want to be part of it. Panquake is proof that you can build a highly innovative next-generation social media business, product, team and customer base without using AI at all to do it. Panquake is taking a stand against the type of manipulative corporatist behavior, and that’s why we’re committed to eradicating the use of AI from our product, from our users' social media timelines, from even our customer service and service channels, and even our internal staff and management systems. All of them are completely eradicating AI." - Panquake Founder and Chief Product Officer, Suzie Dawson

“In 30 years, they will be able to tell you what your four year old did at kindergarten today. This is the world that we live in. If we allow AI systems to connect with those surveillance systems, we’re taking it to that next level. The AI is capturing not just our relationships and profiling us, but it’s stealing our ideas, our creations and our innovations without attribution. In this sense AI has become the liar that lies to us, the thief that steals from us and the spy that spies on us. And given what I’ve just explained about the Social Radar, DOD and Mitre programs, we’re not that far off now from AI the assassin.” - Panquake Founder and Chief Product Officer, Suzie Dawson.

Suzie went on to issue a call for other innovative, next generation projects to step up and make the same commitment:

"We hope that in the future other Web3 projects will heed this call to action and help to be a part of a better future, rather than exacerbating the problems of the present. And don't get me wrong here, we are not actually trying to tell you what to do. If you want to use AI for your personal projects, go for it. If you find it has some use for you, go for it. We’re just telling you that we aren’t going to spend our users' subscription fees on manipulating their timelines and their feeds, or on putting good and productive people out of a job." - Panquake Founder and Chief Product Officer, Suzie Dawson.

Help Support Ethical Social Media For A Brighter Future

YOUR support of Panquake has already achieved incredible things and although we've come so far, we've only just begun our journey to change the social media industry for the better.

If you agree with the important and timely messages in this post please share it!

Panquake has no corporate or governmental backing, so you are our PR team!

Want to help?

We look forward to bringing you another update in the future. Until then, we're back to work to bring you Panquake!

With love,

- The Panquake Team

Panquake Talks Privacy, Politics and Prepping for Release

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

We are thrilled to report significant progress on the path towards delivering Panquake into your hands.

As promised during our Founder's last address to you in December, the beginning of 2023 has seen the hiring and training of Panquake's service team managers who will be responsible for implementing dynamic service processes to provide you with an amazing customer service experience unsurpassed by any other social media platform!

Additional technical hires are coming on board to progress the network, blockchain and mobile application builds. Supremely qualified business administrators are additionally being attracted to join Panquake's executive team - there will be some big announcements about this in the not too distant future!

New Panquake Interview Out Now

This week, Founder Suzie Dawson made her first media appearance of 2023 on the respected privacy and technology podcast Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons.

In a wide-ranging conversation dubbed "Fixing Social Media", Suzie speaks frankly and from the heart about all things politics, privacy and Panquake.

A full transcript of the podcast will be provided on our Talk Liberation Substack page imminently.

As the ever-growing Panquake team are hard at work every day to deliver this critically important solution to you all, we're mindful that your support is what has made this all happen in the first place.

We are doing right by you and can't wait for you to get to see, touch and share what you have helped us to build.

It will be worth the wait!

We'll keep posting periodic updates here for you, as we move forward towards delivery.

With love,

- The Panquake Team

A Personal Message From Our Founder

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

With the Panquake crowdfunding campaign now complete, what is around the corner for the Panquake community?

Today, we are releasing a new update video by our Founder Suzie Dawson. In it she speaks frankly and from the heart about the genesis, journey and future of Panquake; how it is a game-changer for the industry - and more broadly, for human kind.

You can watch the video below - or if you would like to read Suzie's statement, a full transcript has been provided on our Talk Liberation Substack page for your benefit.

In wrapping up what was a hugely significant year for Panquake, we want to honour the many voices who have helped bring us to this moment. So other team members and supporters have been filming update videos and statements to share with the Panquake community as well. These will be released across the Christmas and New Years' period.

In 2021 we had an idea - by 2022 we had a product. In 2023 we will have a release :)

Thank you all for being a part of this much-needed social media revolution. Together, we are achieving things that alone, we could only dreamed of.

With huge love and gratitude,

- The Panquake Team

YOU DID IT!!! Panquake Delivery Funded!!!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

You did it! Phase 3 Funding Round is COMPLETE!!

The September Public Delivery video is out now and it kicks off with the greatest news that you've waited so long to hear: thanks to members of our support community, Panquake has met it's Phase 3 funding goal for Beta delivery!!!

(Click here to read our Press Release about it)

Watch Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson, Journalist Taylor Hudak, Brand Ambassador John Kiriakou, Chief Security Advisor Sean O'Brien, Chief Marketing Advisor Sheree Ip and Panquake endorser Vivian Kubrick reveal the big news together in this video:

Lightning Pace

We’ve all been working together to get this game changing short-messaging service up and running - FAST!

As you will know, Panquake has been developing non-stop and delivering progress at lightning speeds. Recently, we released 3 new short videos of the Panquake application in action:

1. Let's Talk About Panquake - see messages being posted to a Panquake timeline

2. Panquake on Mobile - Sean O'Brien using Panquake on his phone

3. Watching videos on Panquake - Suzie gives a sneak peek of Panquake's high quality visual media display

WE’RE ON THE ROAD TO LAUNCH - but we still need your help.

Thanks to trusted members of our extended support community we have achieved our PHASE 3 goal, yay, what a FANTASTIC ACHIEVEMENT.

Now, thanks to you all, the delivery is assured - we have the funding to complete our blockchain and network build, hire and train our service teams and build the systems they will use to administrate PANQUAKE, delivering not just a great product but also a great service.

So what's next?

Now that we have exceeded our original goals we have removed the fixed target but we’re continuing to accept donations because we need to build a war-chest for marketing the release and for legal costs. We’ve consistently faced challenges and roadblocks from hostile forces, including meddling with our funding streams and trying to silence us on social media. We know this is likely to continue and increase as launch gets closer - there are vested interests who don't want freedom of speech and a level playing field for all humanity on social media, despite these values being inshrined in international law and the universal declaration on human rights.

The more our Community donate, the stronger position we will be in at release to defend PANQUAKE for the benefit of everyone, so please continue to support us and share share share!

We have already worked together to complete Phases 1, 2 and 3! Now we just need to get PANQUAKE into your hands without interference. An incredible new future is in sight!! Soon we will all be able to use this new platform that is answerable only to its community members, not to investment bankers and advertisers - and where respecting your privacy is at the heart of every decision we make.

A deep, heartfelt thank you to the thousands of supporters who helped us get this far - you are why we do what we do. And we will keep delivering for you!

With all our love,

- The Panquake Team

Panquake Girls Talk Tech

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

Our July Public Delivery Meeting video is out now!

Join Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson and Chief Marketing Advisor Sheree Ip as they discuss all the latest progress and updates about the development and delivery of everyone's favorite upcoming social media solution, Panquake!

The conversation gets pretty techy - as the ladies delve into the details of the Panquake blockchain, network and application.

The video closes with a great Q+A session based on tech-focused questions collected from Panquake supporters.

Privacy By Default - With World-First Functionality

When Sheree asked for Suzie's thoughts and experience on privacy in the context of software development, Suzie talked about "...the features that we're implementing, not just to protect your privacy but to enhance your ability to communicate and connect with other people in inherently positive interactions."

She continued:"I think when you give people the new cutting-edge functionality, when you unleash their voice, when you give them ways to achieve more than they could on another platform, and then you also implement privacy by design - as a fundamental at the foundation of the product - then you're achieving something that is ethical and healthy for users but also delivering a better product, from a functionality perspective. And Panquake really is doing that."

Dr. Cynthia McKinney Endorses Panquake

A bright light in activism across many decades, Dr. Cynthia McKinney, has wholeheartedly endorsed the Panquake campaign. Many consider the former US Congresswoman and 2008 Green Party Presidential Nominee to be an icon of civil and human rights due to her brave public stances for peace, justice and democracy.

After getting a behind-the-scenes look at the working Panquake application, Dr. McKinney generously donated to the Panquake campaign and supplied the following promotional statement:

"Imagine a place on social media where there is no shadowbanning, no censorship, no corporate exploitation - just good ol' communication. That place is PANQUAKE! Join now!"

As most of you will know by now - Panquake is in it's final funding round - Phase 3 of 3! This is it folks, the delivery phase. And us all pulling together to spread the word and raise the funds required to deliver this incredible product will change the world.

Please donate today, and share this update. Your voice is important, and is what will help get this project across the line!

As always, thank you for your wonderful support, and we'll see you again next month.


- The Panquake Team

Panquake On Mobile: Interface Preview!!!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

Things are getting exciting!!! A new short video has been released, showing Panquake Chief Security Advisor Sean O'Brien using Panquake on mobile!

Check it out here:

It is YOU that has made this amazing progress possible!

Your love, your trust, your shares and your commitment to seeing this project through to delivery with us.

More than ever, NOW is the time to donate and encourage others to as well, so we can bring this incredible new social media experience to the world.

Please share our donation page everywhere that you can, and tell everyone about Panquake and how it will revolutionize our ability to communicate and build relationships with each other - without any of the toxic and exploitative practices that Big Tech has been inflicting upon us all for too long!

We are getting closer and closer by the day - please help us push through this final Phase 3 and deliver!

Together, we are proving that we really can build solutions to really big problems. We don't have to feel powerless and lost anymore.

Thank you so much for being part of this historic campaign! Keep an eye out for more great content in coming days.


- The Panquake Team

Putting The Icing On The Panquake!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

We have been hard at work putting the finishing touches on our application build, to bring you this GAME-CHANGING social media application.

Panquake will change your lives - and has the potential to change the world.

Our June Public Delivery Meeting has just been released. Presented by John Kiriakou, Suzie Dawson & Sean O'Brien, it is packed full of piping hot development news about the swift progress Panquake has been making toward launch.

Watch the full video below:

We know you loved this recent short clip that we released, showing Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson watching videos on her Panquake dashboard timeline.

So we're working to release some more exclusive sneak peek clips of various aspects of our fully functioning application!

That means you'll get to see more of what you've helped us to build, very soon.

It's time to put the icing on the Panquake

Your voice is so important! Our hardworking team rely on you sharing our plans for a future free of Big Tech abuses. Please take a few moments today to help spread the word about how far advanced the Panquake build is, how unprecedented and significant the model and design is, and importantly if you are able, please donate so that we have the funds we need to launch the BETA.

You are our inspiration and at all times forefront in our minds.

We don't just make promises - we keep them.

The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is super sweet!!!

We will write again very soon


- The Panquake Team

Panquake Entering Next Delivery Stage

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

It's time to celebrate! Suzie and Sean just released the May Public Monthly Delivery Meeting. Watch it here!

May was a seminal month for Panquake. Suzie explains:

"This was the month that not only did I get to watch videos on a Panquake timeline, I got to open the quake composition panel, write messages, hit send and have them appear on my Panquake timeline. It's difficult to describe how that feels. This is something that existed only in my head a year ago. In fact, next week is the first anniversary of us bringing coders onto the project...Only one year later, I'm sending quakes and watching videos on Panquake. It's absolutely mind-boggling
" - Suzie Dawson

With the application build now so far advanced, Panquake will soon be entering its network operations phase - implementing the final pieces that will underpin the network and allow users to communicate with each other - and with the world!

As the development of Panquake goes from strength to strength, we need your help more than ever to raise the remaining funds needed to deliver this game-changing service into your waiting hands!

Now in our final funding round - please donate today to speed up this social media revolution.

Share this message and Panquake content as often and far and wide as you can, so that people can learn about the freedom and benefits that Panquake is bringing.

We are your architects and builders, but you are our media and PR team!

Let's do this!!

Much love,

- The Panquake Team

WORLD FIRST! Watch Panquake In Action! Goodbye To Trackers Stalking You...

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

Today, a short vid has been released of Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson watching videos on a real, live Panquake application timeline.

Anyone who thought Panquake wouldn't or couldn't happen has been proven wrong once and for all.

Panquake is here, it's happening, and as soon as we finish our third and final funding round, it'll be in your hands.

Help make that happen sooner by donating: then share the video everywhere and encourage people to take the simple steps to liberate themselves from Big Tech with panquake.com

Our May Public Delivery Meeting will be coming out in the next few days, with a bunch of incredible development updates.

This project - funded by YOU!! - is delivering.

Together, we're changing the world.


- The Panquake Team

Panquakes Panquakes Panquakes!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

Click, click, click, stack, share - it's that simple to create a Panquake, and at this month's public delivery event Founder Suzie Dawson announced that the Panquake functionality for which the project was named is now fully integrated and functional in the application!

Yes it's that time again - our April public delivery meeting video is out now and you can catch up on all the latest Panquake developments by watching it on YouTube here, or on Vimeo here!

Our new Telegram community

This month, our delivery video was published first on Telegram - you can join our community at this link. Enjoy fast, reliable updates about Panquake including exclusive video content, with Suzie Dawson, Sean O'Brien, John Kiriakou and Sheree Ip all looking forward to posting short vid updates on Telegram on a periodic basis.

More interviews and articles coming soon

Speaking of John, he's out and about doing interviews for Panquake as we speak, spreading the message about this groundbreaking new social media future to all new audiences and helping to grow our community!

Check out John's recent appearances with Lee Camp here, and with Graham Elwood here. If you'd like to book John on your show, please contact media@talkliberation.com

"We're Killing It" - Panquake CSO Sean O'Brien

It's hard to miss the enthusiasm and satisfaction the Panquake team is feeling right now... in this short clip Chief Security Officer Sean O'Brien reveals some of the additional protections for users that Panquake is innovating in order to best serve you

Your support of us, your help in spreading the word about Panquake and your donations are bringing the Panquake BETA product delivery closer and closer every day.

We thank you for your ongoing contributions to our crowdfunding campaign and encouraging others to do so, and being our PR and marketing team! Your words, thoughts, ideas and help are so powerful and we are grateful to all of our community for all that you do to progress this project every day!

We've faced plenty of challenges and have overcome them all, together. The next year is going to be even more exciting than the last!

Looking forward to writing more soon - in the meantime, do join our Telegram channel and we'll see you there!

With love,

- The Panquake Team

Interface REVEALED, Whistleblower Appointed Panquake Ambassador

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

Exciting times for you and for us! Last Thursday night the public got to see the Panquake interface design for the first time and the response has been rapturous.

If you haven't yet seen the Panquake Reveal event, the video is below. It contains:
* more than a dozen screens of the Panquake interface
* a walkthrough of key features presented by Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson
* appearances by multiple Panquake endorsers including NSA whistleblower Bill Binney and CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou

(Also available on You Tube)

By all accounts, seeing the quality of the design of the Panquake User Interface for the first time thrilled our supporters.

(For a closer look at the interface screens, please see the video walkthrough)

Countless posts on social media lauded the Panquake dashboard look and feel, features and functionality.

It is hugely satisfying to us to know that not only are we bringing you such a high quality product, but that you recognize that and are loving it!

And now we have even more exciting news for you all:

CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou Appointed Panquake Ambassador

John Kiriakou, a former CIA officer recognized for changing the course of US political history when he blew the whistle on the CIA's torture program, has been appointed the new Panquake Ambassador.

John will be engaging in a series of public appearances, conversations and interviews to promote our next generation crowdfunded social media application.

Participating in the recent Panquake User Interface Reveal event, John implored audiences to support this historic campaign, saying: "I encourage you strongly to take a look at Panquake. Acquaint yourself with the website. Figure out what you can do with Panquake and what Panquake can do for you because I really believe this is the future. I can't wait until it is live because that's where I'm going to be spending my time. That's the social media platform that I want to be involved in."

Of taking up the role of Panquake Ambassador John said: "Do you value free speech? Panquake is the future of free speech. It's the future of transparency. Let's get there together."

Phase 3 push - on the road to delivery!

The Reveal event and the appointment of Kiriakou as Panquake Ambassador kicks off a new marketing push to help complete the final funding round of the Panquake crowdfunding campaign.

Once the Phase 3 target is reached, we will have everything we need in order to deliver Panquake into your waiting hands!

The Phase 3 funds will pay for the recruitment and training of our customer support, account administration, technical support and content moderation teams. We are not using AI customer support or content moderation solutions, meaning Panquake will be run by humans serving humans, not robots!


1. Donate to help reach the target
2. Spread Panquake promotional material all over the internet!
3. Use word of mouth - social media support is vital, but telling people you know about Panquake is a fantastic way to raise awareness
4. Contact your favorite content creators and ask them to interview John about Panquake. Media requests can be sent to media@talkliberation.com

Your love, support and enthusiasm has got us this far.

Your continued efforts are what will ultimately achieve social media freedom for us all!


- The Panquake Team

Your Panquake Reveal Invite: TONIGHT Is The Night!

Update posted on Donate

72 Hour Countdown

Dear Panquake Community,

Today - Thursday April 7th, at 8:00pm Eastern US. That is when you will get to see Panquake for the first time!

SO exciting!!!

Visit our countdown webpage to track the launch of the seminal moment in social media history that you have helped to create!

How To Watch The Event Online

There's a few options for how you can watch the event:

1. Bookmark panquake.com/reveal and watch it on our website, or
2. Keep an eye on our Vimeo channel - at 8pm Eastern TODAY, the video will be uploaded there
3. Participate in the live You Tube premiere on Suzie's You Tube channel - Suzie and many of our team will be there watching at 8pm

This has been a year in the making and you will not be disappointed!

For the first time EVER you will get to see the Panquake interface, dashboard, colors, shapes, layout, features and functionality presented to you by Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson and Chief Security Officer Sean O'Brien, with a bunch of reactions from key endorsers including ex NSA Technical Director Bill Binney and CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou.

You won't want to miss this!!!

Most importantly - tell us what you think - and tell others too!

Your opinions matter to us. Every single element of Panquake has been designed with your needs, desires, tastes and interests in mind. This gorgeous platform protects users in myriad ways, as well as giving you a next generation social experience. So let us know what you think! Once you've seen the big reveal you can email your thoughts to contact@talkliberation.com or reach out to us on social platforms:

* @Panquake on Twitter
* t.me/panquake on Telegram
* Talk Liberation on Facebook

Remember - this project is by the people and for the people, funded by you, not by corporations! Please take a moment to donate and share the link to our fundraising page and help us spread the word about this amazing campaign and groundbreaking social media service.

We don't hope - we build!

See you tonight!!!!


- The Panquake Team

The Countdown Begins: 72 Hours Til You See Panquake!

Update posted on Donate

72 Hour Countdown

Dear Panquake Community,

​ Our March public delivery meeting video is out - with a huge announcement:

In only 72 hours (counting down from 8pm Eastern US Time, Monday 4th April) for the first time EVER you will get to see the colors, shapes, layout and features of the Panquake user interface!!!

* Please read our press release for more details about the big reveal!
* Click here to watch our March Public Delivery meeting
* Donate to help us deliver Panquake to you faster!
* Follow the countdown at our new website page for the big Reveal event

Once the countdown timer hits 00:00:00, the page will be updated with a video showing off the Panquake interface design, presented to youby Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson and Chief Security Officer Sean O'Brien. The video event also features reactions from high profile Panquake endorsers including CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou and ex-NSA Technical Director Bill Binney!

This hugely exciting development has come about because the Panquake build has progressed to the point where we have the functioning user interface in place. We have been demonstrating the program functionality for key endorsers and frankly, they are loving it. So we felt it was time for the community to get their first look at the unique aesthetics and professional design quality of Panquake!

Our priority now is to push through the rest of the Phase 3 (final phase!) funding as quickly as possible, to expedite the delivery of the Panquake application into your hands!

Every time you engage with our content, share it, like it, spread it far and wide, you help us get a little closer to that wonderful moment where Panquake will be available to all! And of course, donating makes all the difference!

Thank you so much for your incredible support to date, your faith in us is being vindicated with each milestone we hit.

We would LOVE to hear your thoughts and feedback once you've seen the big event - remember - you can countdown to that moment with us, by visiting the new UI Reveal page on our website.

We will write again very soon!


- The Panquake Team

It's Happening! Panquake Interface To Be Unveiled To The World!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

Only 8 months after we began coding, the Panquake team has announced that we are ready to show the world the look and feel of the Panquake interface design!

That's right - you're finally going to get to see what Panquake looks like!!!

We gave famous CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou a demonstration of the Panquake application this month and he called it "futuristic" (it really is!) and said that "no other platform in the world" is so protective of user privacy:

February Public Delivery Meeting

Our monthly public delivery update video has just been released, where this and much more is discussed in detail. Watch the delivery meeting here

As usual, we transparently released campaign statistics and build metrics, detailed development progress and released our Talk Liberation subscriber and email open numbers.

Continuing our long track record of keeping you all informed every step of the way!

Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson published a Twitter thread detailing the key delivery updates.

A huge number of production metrics were also included, as relate to the interface build progress:

The Panquake team is currently completing payment integrations for the application - which is the final step in the account sign-up process for users. Completion of this will herald another major milestone for the build.

So When Will You Get To See Panquake?

Suzie Dawson finished her Twitter thread with the following message:

It is all of your support that has brought us this far - and it is your support that will put Panquake over the line!

Please give generously to help push us through this final funding phase.

Please spread the word about this incredibly important project - you are our media team! You are our PR service! We don't waste campaign donations on corporate PR or advertising. This campaign is all word of mouth and that's what makes it so powerful. Panquake is the culmination of all of our voices, raised together.

We appreciate and respect your support deeply.

With love,

- The Panquake Team

Panquake Protects Privacy: Releases WLDragnet Code FREE

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,


Today, the code for our WLDragnet application has been published in a public code repository, free and open source as promised.

* Read our official press release here
* Read our Talk Liberation Substack article about the release here
* Try out the WLDragnet Search tool here
* Review the code here

Protecting Privacy and Showcasing Panquake's Design Chops

The release of the WLDragnet code is a significant contribution to the public good - tools combatting social media mass surveillance are extremely few and far between. But more - for the first time, the incredible skills of the Panquake development team are on full display. When using the app, it's impossible not to notice the high quality visual design of the interface and the super easy and functional workflow - only two clicks!

Today's announcement cements our promised commitment to open source code release and the application architecture has a wide array of privacy protecting features. This gives the Panquake community their first major glimpse of our development ethics and principles converted into practice:

  • No cookies on the WLDragnet.com website
  • No web trackers
  • Search requests (inputted user handles) are not captured or stored
  • Reports generated via the tool are not captured or stored
  • No logging of browser, device or visitor information
  • Source links go to archived versions of the files - preventing the entities involved in the social media mass surveillance from tracking WLDragnet users
  • Hyperlinks to Twitter accounts in the WLDragnet custom reports lead to Nitter - a free and open source alternative Twitter front-end focused on privacy

And of course - it's mobile-first design, making it look amazing on your mobile device, as well as on desktop or tablet!

Panquake Development Updates

Meanwhile, the Panquake application development has been dramatically accelerating. In a mini-thread on Twitter this week, Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson spoke of being "near delirious with joy" after reviewing the interface development progress with CSO Sean O'Brien and the Panquake development team.

With application development going so swimmingly, it now remains to raise the remaining funds to complete the hiring and training of service staff in order to facilitate the delivery of Panquake's BETA.

The more we spread the word about this incredible campaign and donate to hit the fucking target, the faster Panquake will be in your hands, and it will be even more stunning and innovative than the WLDragnet app!

It is you, our community, that has brought us this far and together we will see this through to a fantastic new social media future for us all!

With love,

- The Panquake Team

It's Alive!!! Panquake Interface Working, Moving, Functioning

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

Our January Public Delivery Meeting is up - watch the video here, or for the TL;DR read Suzie's tweet thread about it here!

When we first brought the idea of Panquake to the world, we promised a next generation social media product. That is exactly what we've built!

Last month, we announced that we had the first elements of our drag & drop user interface in place. This month, those elements have been fleshed out to the point where they're completely customizable by the user and functioning precisely as we had envisioned. What does that mean for you? It means you will be able to make your Panquake interface look however you want it to.

You can drag different parts of the interface into the position you want to be in, you can resize them to as big or small or wide or narrow as you'd like them to be, you can pop them out so they appear in front of the rest, or close them once you're done with them. And reset them to a default position grid if you want to try again!

Super versatile design unmatched by any other product out there right now.

Last week, our full team got to see the Panquake interface in action, which was a landmark moment for us.

Content now displays correctly in the Panquake timeline and looks exactly as it was depicted in our original design documentation: slick, clean, intuitive.

To see what was once only an idea, now become a working application is so cool.

What's Coming Next?

We know the big question on everyone's lips is "When?" - and the answer to that question ultimately depends on how fast we can meet the Phase 3 funding target. In the meantime, we have some short term delivery deadlines that we decided to share with you, so you have an idea of what we're up to in the coming weeks:

Talk Liberation - free subscription signups are up 300%

Largely thanks to the viral success of Sean O'Brien's GETTR investigation, which was cited by multiple mainstream media outlets, our tech publication Talk Liberation achieved really strong subscriber growth in January.

With other great investigations up our sleeves, this is only set to improve over time, and with 100% of Talk Liberation income being contributed to our Phase 3 fundraising, this has become an important income stream for the Panquake build. If you haven't yet subscribed to Talk Liberation please do so today!

The final hurdle is in front of us! Let's make the leap together

We've overcome so many challenges and beat out the odds to make it this far - now we just have to push through Phase 3 and into delivery.

Your help in achieving that is critical!

Donate here and encourage others to do the same. Let's blitz this final fundraising round and get Panquake to the world!

Thank you for all you've done and are doing to support this project.

We'll write again soon!

- The Panquake Team

Surprise! Twitter Reverses Account Bans As Panquake Hits Global Press

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

It's been a wonderful start to the New Year for our hardworking team. Our very own Sean O'Brien wrote a searing hot technical report for Talk Liberation Investigates that has been ricocheting around the internet. The article exposes pervasive and shocking data mining practices of new social media application GETTR.

With Talk Liberation's research being cited and linked to by a growing list of mainstream press outlets including The New Yorker, Vice, Gizmodo, The Daily Dot and more, unprecedented amounts of traffic are filtering through to Talk Liberation and Panquake.com. Very exciting for our Community!

Twitter Unexpectedly Unbans Panquake Accounts

More great news - on the same day this was all happening, Twitter unbanned the full suite of Panquake accounts, and finally moved our followers and historical content to @panquake (replacing the old @pan_quake). This is a welcome resolution to the unjust banning of our accounts that removed our Twitter presence through the crucial Christmas & New Year period.

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the many hundreds of Twitter users who tweeted @TwitterSupport advocating for the wrongful suspensions of our accounts to be lifted.

Yet again you have proved that your collective voices are powerful!

Phase Three Fundraising - The Faster We Hit The Target The Faster We Deliver

With last month's huge delivery announcement regarding Panquake having hit another development milestone, it's time now to fundraise, fundraise, fundraise so that we can begin to put in place the systems that will support users through the delivery period. That means, customer service, accounts administrators, technical support staff and content moderators just to name a few.

As you know, we don't have corporate PR or advertising - this is a grassroots, word-of-mouth campaign and so far you have all helped to make it a huge success. This is now the final leg - once we hit 100% on this Phase 3 target there will be no more public fundraising required and we will deliver the Panquake BETA! Please DONATE HERE to help it happen sooner. Let's pull together for this one last big effort - the faster we complete this funding round, the faster we all get Panquake.

Thank you so much for your care and attention

With love,

- The Panquake Team

Panquake Announces Massive Progress; Launches WLDragnet App

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

In another exciting update, Panquake brought the Holiday season goodies in the December public delivery meeting yesterday, updating our community on several major advancements related to the project.

Check out the full video at this link or read this Twitter thread for more info!

Panquake Development Further Advanced Than Previously Known

The first big takeaway from the delivery is the announcement that Panquake now has a working, functional interface that adheres to the design promises previously made throughout the campaign - slick, intuitive, single-view dashboard with drag and drop panels dynamically updating content. In short, it's the next generation technology you've been promised all along and it's much closer to completion than previously realized.

The first idea of Panquake was floated in January and coding began in June. This means in substantially less than a year, the beginnings of the working product has been brought into being and development is progressing at a lightning pace.

Panquake Launches WLDragnet App

WLDragnet.com is now up and running - with Twitter users able to enter their handles and in two simple clicks find out whether they have been targeted in the WLDragnet files, and download a custom report comprised of the data related to their social media accounts.

A neat FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on the site explains the Who, What, Where, When, How and Why of the WLDragnet application.

Some examples of well known figures heavily targeted in the WLDragnet files, as revealed by the app release include NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, WikiLeaks, the Julian Assange support movement Unity4J, investigative journalists Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Benjamin Norton, Anya Parampil and many more.

Max Blumenthal commented on the release:

Panquake Kicks Off Phase 3 Funding - 2022 Set To Be The Big Year For The BETA!

Polishing off the Phase 2 funding target of $167k shortly before the holidays, Panquake is now making inroads into the final funding round target of +$500k required to hire the full team that will be needed to support the release of its products and services in 2022.

Your continued support is vital both in terms of donations but equally importantly, in spreading the word about Panquake and advocating for us.

This is a life-changing, industry-changing product that the world desperately needs and thanks to you, it is well on its way!

Keep spreading our donation link at every possible opportunity to bring this privacy respecting next generation social media solution to the world as soon as possible!

A sincere thank you for everything you did to make this project happen in 2021. 2022 is going to be huge!

Thinking of you all, and so grateful for your support.

With love,

- The Panquake Team

Phase 3 Engaged! Panquake Crosses The Rubicon

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

You. Did. It.

Because of your love, support and assistance, we all are now a major step closer to enjoying the fabulous and freeing social media future Panquake is bringing!


Hard to believe it was only this time last year that Panquake founder Suzie Dawson was online, pitching to Sean O’Brien of Yale Privacy Lab an idea for a short messaging service that would respect user privacy.

Along with many other wonderful people, Sean saw how critically important backing this project would be, and jumped on board.

Only a month later came the announcement that Panquake was on the way with the promise it would “transparently deliver powerful next generation amplification tools to transform your social reach and engagement”.

Public enthusiasm for Panquake (and maybe their disillusionment with the sorely lacking status quo options) saw the Stage 1 and 2 funding campaign targets blitzed in record time. And so…on to the third and FINAL phase!

Panquake Isn't Just A Great Product - It Will Be A Great SERVICE!

We value our users and want to provide them with everything they aren't getting from corporate AI-powered platforms. That means giving them real people to deal with! The 500k we will raise in Phase 3 will fund:

  • Customer Service Representatives to engage in real-time chat with users, solving problems in a human way
  • Content moderators making transparent decisions logged on our blockchain - no AI moderation algorithms!
  • Accounts Administrators to resolve any billing issues etc
  • 24/7 Technical Support
  • ...and more!

Panquake = Innovation

Talk Liberation has achieved proof of concept for its core technological innovations: an encrypted user data store kept on user devices so that they can store and control their own data, and the P2P (peer to peer) network that allows users to connect to each other to parse messages through the network. Panquake is now looking to its future users to help build the infrastructure that a sophisticated and secure social media platform like Panquake needs to launch.

Panquake functionality is going to blow the suppression of information on Big Tech platforms wide open. Panquake users will be able to circulate messages completely unimpeded by algorithms (we simply don't use any) & enjoy free access to their ENTIRE following.


Imagine being able to:

  • send a message every single person who follows you will get
  • gift others that power
  • share content from people you follow, to your followers, WHILE YOU'RE OFFLINE!
  • stack large amounts of content into a single shareable link, in SECONDS

Along with new custom functionality that no other product offers, Panquake is committed to not manipulating content, timelines or engagement metrics, guaranteeing:

  • No data selling
  • No data collecting! (your data stays on your device)
  • No advertising
  • No shadowbanning
  • No disappearing followers, retweets & likes
  • No trend manipulation
  • No suppression of off-platform links
  • No random page refreshes

100% pure freedom of expression!

This is Panquake

Panquake exceeds everyone's expectations including our own. It is by far the best looking, easiest to use, most innovative & futuristic social media product design on the market. Those who've seen it know this is true. Soon after this final funding round is complete, you will get to see it too!

No one stands to benefit from Panquake more than independent media, activists, or citizens who are under attack for sharing information that the powerful don't want them to.

Anyone feeling the burn of suppression of their information, of corporate silencing.. anyone whose access to the audience they've built up is under threat.. wins most from our success - so let them know about Panquake!

"This Twitter thread is going to raise half a million dollars..." so begins a new thread by Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson today, laying out the progress achieved by her team and the Panquake community in 2021, and the vision for 2022 and beyond.

Have a read of it at the above link, share the messages in it, and stayed tuned for our next big Monthly Public Delivery Meeting this coming Thursday December 23rd at which there will be several big announcements about Panquake's build progress to date.

Your shares, your likes and your donations are what propels this campaign forward. Now is the time to double down with spreading the word about Panquake - our people funded, people powered solution.

With love,

- The Panquake Team

ALERT! Twitter Grinch Trying To Steal Your Panquake Presents

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

With our Phase Two funding round now at 99.5% you can expect an update formally announcing the launch of Phase Three (the final round!!!) any time now. There's some more great news about what's coming in the next few days from Panquake at the bottom of this update too so be sure to read to the bottom.

Strange and wonderful things have happened in the last few days! Let's start with the strange.

Twitter Offers Panquake New Twitter Account Then Immediately Permanently Bans Us. Here Are The Receipts:

As many of you will know, the official Panquake Twitter account, where we amassed thousands of followers, was @Pan_quake.

Our Chief Security Officer, Sean O'Brien, had been in communication with Twitter for some time, attempting to secure us the long-dormant account @Panquake.

Last week, we were amazed when Twitter contacted us and let us know that they were going to give us the @Panquake account. Sean patiently followed their instructions, creating a placeholder account to use to transition to the new account on, and changing the @pan_quake Twitter bio to direct the public to @Panquake.

Within minutes of the transition, Twitter permanently banned both our old and new accounts.

Twitter's reasoning? We "evaded permanent suspension". Except we had never been permanently suspended.

So... we got permanently suspended for evading permanent suspensions when there were no permanent suspensions for us to evade.

Confused? We are too. And we're not alone.

Sean filed an appeal to the suspensions and astonishingly, Twitter responded that they would not reverse the bans.

You may remember that back in March, Twitter suspended Panquake's main Twitter accounts. There was a massive public outcry about it and Twitter eventually backed down, claimed it was "an error", emailed us a formal apology and reinstated the accounts.

But by April they took a different tack and started picking off some less high profile Panquake accounts, including the fledgling @PanquakePeople project, the development team account @PanquakeDev and even the personal account of our Social Media team leader. Despite us appealing these acts of what looks awfully suspiciously like commercially motivated censorship (if not outright sabotage), these accounts have not been restored.

In aggregate, our experiences with Twitter this year have taught us a few things:

1. Never to treat our customers the way Twitter treats its users
2. To develop far superior customer service systems than Twitter has - Panquake will employ real people to communicate with its users and will not hide behind automated AI systems to make decisions about accounts
3. No matter how many times Twitter executives appear before Congressional committees to claim that they're not a monopoly and that they welcome competition, their actions speak louder than their words.

Panquake is tiny by comparison to Twitter - but Twitter is clearly scared. Because of your support, we have them on the back foot already. Panquake is innovative, Panquake exists to serve the interests of its users, unlike Twitter who serve the interests of corporate advertisers and the almighty dollar. Twitter only wants you for your data. Panquake doesn't want your data, we want your privacy and your autonomy.

That's why we are the future. Twitter is the past. And it looks like they know it already. They smell change in the air.

With every passing day, Twitter alienates and abuses the trust of more of its users - sending them flocking to us.

Since Twitter banned our accounts this weekend, Panquake donations have gone up exponentially.

How You Can Join The Fight Back:

1. Donate to push Panquake into Phase Three and then promote us as much as possible to help push us through that final funding phase as quickly as possible, so that we can deliver Panquake into your hands sooner!
2. Contact media and complain about Twitter's anti-competitive, anti-trust and monopolistic behaviors
3. Contact US Congresspeople and State Representatives and inform them of the same
4. Tweet and tag @TwitterSupport and tell them exactly how you feel about them banning us on false premises

What Twitter is doing is morally wrong and may well be illegal too. Your collective voices are powerful, and your collective voices can make change happen.

Panquake To Deliver You Presents - This Week!!

Now for the wonderful and exciting news: Panquake is holding our December monthly public delivery meeting this Thursday 23rd of December - eight days earlier than usual. This is because the development of the Panquake BETA has made major strides in the month of December and we have some enormous news to share with you about our progress and next steps.

Things are moving on the build far more quickly than we had anticipated and we know you'll be thrilled by what we have to show you.

So please follow and keep an eye on our Vimeo Channel for a fresh and exciting holiday update this coming Thursday.

In the meantime, keep donating so we can announce our transition into Phase Three!

You are our community and our voice. Thousands of you have banded together to make this project happen. And together, we're going to get it over the line.

What was once an idea is now becoming an inevitability. Thank you so much for your faith, your commitment and your support.

With love,

- The Panquake Team


Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

HOT PANQUAKE NEWS!!! Our November Public Delivery was released yesterday and for the first time, the public is getting to see the design chops of our dev team, with the announcement of the impending release of the WLDragnet app! Further down this post, you'll get a preview of just what the app will look like and do!

Panquake Campaign Updates

As always, first comes the Panquake campaign updates! This is the month we will cross the rubicon. Panquake Phase 2 (of 3) funding is at 94%! We are only $9,947 away from launching our final phase - the Panquake delivery phase!!! Help us help you by donating here and spreading the word about how close we are!

Panquake Production Updates

For the Panquake build team, November was all about security and cryptography, scaleability, ensuring multiple Panquake users can share devices if they want and implementing account deactivation, reactivation & restoration features. We know that you're going to need Panquake to do a lot more than just post messages, so we've been working hard to make sure no stone is left unturned as relates to account functionality!

Talk Liberation Fueling Panquake

Because transparency is super important to us, every month we release our Talk Liberation subscriber figures, our conversion rate & our email opening rates. If you check out the Panquake donations regularly, you'll see that every dollar of profit from Talk Liberation publications get fed straight into the Panquake build fund to help advance the project! Our Talk Liberation growth is steady and healthy and you can help push it along by subscribing here today.

Now Here Comes The Super Cool Stuff!!!!

HERE'S THE BIGGEST NEWS OF ALL: Last month we released WLDragnet Part One: revealing 1,000s of files showing that activists & journalists being targeted by social media surveillance. Now the Panquake development team have built an AMAZING search tool so you can search the files for your social media handles to find out if you're on those lists. Then you can - for free - generate and download a customized PDF displaying your results!

This is what it looks like:

Every aspect of the WLdragnet app design adheres to Panquake design principles:

* Super hot mobile-first design
* Simple interface - no unnecessary pages or clicks
* Privacy and Security - no cookies, no tracking, no data collection, no nasty algorithms, no analytics etc

Here's what the tool looks like on mobile:

The WLDragnet app will be published to a public code repository under FOSS licensing. Techies will be able to download and run the code themselves, review it & interact with our devs. We're currently in integrations, and will release the app formally as soon as its complete

For a ton more info about the release of the WLDragnet app, its significance, how much time we put into it & how we're traversing the full SDLC with this little mini-project to show the public what our dev team is capable of, watch the delivery video: https://vimeo.com/651772528

With YOUR help, every passing day we are all getting that much closer to social media liberation. Phase 1 of this project established the business infrastructure. Thanks to you, we now have our parent business in the Cook Islands and our operating company in Iceland, with administrative systems in place ready to support the Panquake BETA rollout! In Phase 2, you've helped us to fund the build of the BETA product. In Phase 3, which will kick off any day now, you will enable us to not just give you the best product around but the best service! That means real, human support (not AI!) for our users to interact with 24/7.

We first presented the Panquake idea in January to find out if you wanted it. The answer you gave us was YES! The only question now is WHEN we can deliver it. We promised to show up & present our progress every single month. We've never let you down. Our team have a 100% delivery record to date.

Every day, a handful of paid staff members & a score of volunteers give their all to bring you a future free of the surveillance & censorship plagues Big Tech have been subjecting us all to for far too long. Help us break their chokehold!

We are so pleased that you're now getting a taste of what our devs can do. Thank you for all your support to date - let's keep pushing and put Phase 2 in the rearview mirror. Onwards and forwards towards the BETA release!!! We'll see you next month with more exciting Panquake progress and news.

With love,

- The Panquake Team

A Double Delivery From Panquake

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

October was a horrific month for our team due to the loss of our beloved colleague Eynelys but we have pulled together to support her family and each other and are propelling the project forward in all regards.

We have just posted our October Public Delivery Meeting, making good on our promise to always keep you, our supporters, in the know about our build, campaign and fundraising progress every single month.

In this Twitter thread posted by Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson you can track our key metrics and statistics, including for our tech journalism project Talk Liberation and our new deep dive investigative section Talk Liberation Investigates, which just this week launched the #WLDragnet series.

Here are a few slides of note:

Panquake Build Progress

Panquake Phase 2 funding round is now at 86% complete.

At last month's delivery meeting we announced the huge news that our developers had successfully authenticated users on our test network and they successfully sent, received and verified encrypted messages. This month the rest of the authentication service functionality has been built out and tested. We now have the ability for users to be anonymous/unregistered guests on our network, or registered and authenticated, which fulfills a fundamental promise we made from the outset.

With the user creation and authentication side of the build finished, we can now move forward into the blockchain build, which we expect will take the rest of this year to complete.

Talk Liberation Progress

Our tech publication Talk Liberation provides an important recurring income/revenue stream that feeds directly into supporting the Panquake build. Making us less reliant on crowdfunding donations and the generosity of the general public, Talk Liberation provides a valuable news service for people who care about the same issues we do: internet freedom, data sovereignty, privacy, security, digital rights, policy and law.

This month, Talk Liberation subscriptions have increased by nearly 50% and with an average opening rate of 29% (which is extremely high for this industry) we are proving that our content is engaging and our audience are engaged!

Talk Liberation Investigates Delivers As Promised

Our groundbreaking new series #WLDragnet is exposing sinister and for-profit modern day mass surveillance on social media. Part One is out now and focuses on the targeting of supporters of WikiLeaks and Julian Assange as well as whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and movements like Medicare For All and Force The Vote, among many others. Parts Two and Three yet to come, zoom out to an even bigger picture that affects us all. Deep dive investigative journalism like this, based on primary source documents, is very rare in this day and age. Don't miss out on this incredible reporting, make sure you have subscribed to our mailing list to be the first to know when the next parts are released!

With your support we're going to deliver our next generation social media app to the world. Privacy, freedom of expression and data sovereignty are coming your way. We won't stop til we push through Phase 3 & have everything in place to deliver the service quality you deserve.

Your support means the world to us. We have come so far together and by doubling down, we're going to achieve this big win for humanity.

In closing this delivery update, it's impossible not to think of Eynelys and how proud she would be that we have not stopped fighting for this cause that is so near and dear to all our hearts. Rest in power, Eynelys.

With love,

- The Panquake Team

Panquake In Mourning: You Can Help

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

We are devastated at the sudden and tragic loss of our Relationship Manager, Eynelys Garcia, in a hit-and-run accident in California last Thursday.

Eynelys (pronounced Annelise) was the light in our lives and the glue in our team. More, she was the sole caregiver for her mother who has been battling cancer, and her disabled sister, and was their sole financial provider.

Panquake staff have been supporting Eynelys's family and each other in our grief and we deeply appreciate the solidarity exhibited by our community over the last few days.

Now we have a very simple ask of you all, our extended Panquake family.

Please help Eynelys's family to meet funeral, medical, housing and living expenses while they try to grasp with the loss of Eynelys, who was the central pillar of their lives. Their GoFundMe page is available here.

If you are unable to give directly, please show your support by posting the GoFundMe link, along with Eynelys's story, everywhere that you are able to online.

This gorgeous woman who gave us all so much love, deserves all that we can do for her loved ones in return.

Panquake has published an official press release about the loss of Eynelys.

Eynelys constantly spoke about what Panquake meant to her, and we frequently told her how much we loved, valued and appreciated her. To her final moment, she was joyful and happy.

Back in June, at the end of that month's public delivery meeting, Eynelys gave a testimony about working for Panquake, in our 'State of the Business' staff testimonial update. Here's what she said:

As a colleague and as a friend, Eynelys is irreplaceable. Going forward, we are determined to find ways to memorialize and celebrate her life as she was truly a pillar of our team and a huge part of the heart of Panquake and all that we do.

In the short term, our focus is on supporting her family, and we extend our gratitude to you in advance for your shares of and donations to her family's GoFundMe page.

We will write again soon. In the meantime, we are holding each other, and the memory of Eynelys.

- The Panquake Team

HUGE!!! Panquake Devs Send, Receive, Verify Encrypted Messages

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

Our September public delivery event is available to watch now and contains some HUGE news about the progress of the Panquake build that YOU are helping to make happen!!

Panquake developers have successfully parsed and validated encrypted messages between users through the Panquake network!

This is the latest exciting leap forward in a string of key development milestones that Panquake has been achieving since launching its coding phase in June.

At the delivery meeting, Suzie Dawson presented an overview of Panquake development activities throughout 2021, showing how what was merely an idea back in January, has become a working prototype by only September:

In Suzie’s Twitter thread recapping the delivery, you can read a short synopsis of the revelations from the delivery meeting, featuring new slides outlining major progress on various aspects of the project including:

* An overview of where we're presently at with funding, BETA development, infrastructure, marketing & rollout planning
* This month's production metrics including revealing that Panquake is authoring it's own messaging protocol (tech-minded folks will know this is very significant and super cool)
* A breakdown of the 8 compartmentalized microservices Panquake is building, in order to have the most secure, scaleable and extensible network for our users possible
* An open letter from Panquake and Talk Liberation team member, Taylor Hudak

Talk Liberation Fueling Panquake

Dawson also announced the donation of several thousand dollars of subscription fees from paid subscribers to Panquake's popular weekly Netpolitics publication Talk Liberation - Your Worldwide Internet Report.

This means Panquake supporters who subscribe to Talk Liberation are directly helping the Panquake build!

Metrics for Talk Liberation show good organic growth, strong conversion and content opening rates by recipients.

An important second income stream for Panquake, Talk Liberation helps our community (and ourselves!) become more educated about and stay up to date with their topics of interest while helping to sustain the Panquake build.

it's a win-win!

Talk Liberation Expanding Into Exclusive Data Journalism Investigations

Soon, Talk Liberation will expand beyond its original incarnation as an aggregated news service, with the launch of Talk Liberation Investigates. Sean O'Brien, Panquake Chief Security Officer and Suzie Dawson will bring our community exclusive data journalism investigations based on primary source material.

That means big scoops - 'firsts', helping to enhance public understanding about critically important issues. And if you've already subscribed to Talk Liberation, you'll get access to Talk Liberation Investigates by default!

Panquake nearing the Phase 2 Funding Target

With 85% of the Phase 2 Panquake Funding target of $167,000 now reached, it’s vital to push through the remainder and complete the phase.

Hitting 100% on this target will trigger the launch of Phase 3 - the third and final funding round for the Panquake BETA application.

With several batches of BETA users already approved to be part of our Team of 5,000 we know many of you are chomping at the bit for Panquake to be delivered and so are we!

Phase 3 is what will allow us to hire the customer support, technical support and content moderation staff that we will need in order to administer and maintain Panquake to the professional standard that our users deserve.

The more that our community - this means YOU! - helps us to spread the message that Panquake is important to support and is coming, the faster we will hit those final milestones and be able to deliver this next generation social media application to the world!

Please consider donating today, sharing Panquake videos and social media posts all over the internet (not just Twitter or Facebook, where it is often shadow banned content, but spreading the word via email, SMS, news groups or directly by word of mouth!)

This amazing crowdfunded project has come so far and with a big concerted push over the next couple of months, together we will get this across the line and have something to feel super proud about having achieved for many years to come.

One of our community members once commented “One day we will be telling our children about these donations” and they’re absolutely correct.

We’ll be saying “we supported Panquake when it was still being built” and in doing so, we are supporting privacy, user autonomy, and internet freedom in an age where all are facing grave threats.

Panquake is the solution we all need, and it’s all of us that are bringing it into the world!

With love,

- The Panquake Team

A Very Exciting Panquake Progress Report!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

Talk Liberation continues it’s culture of transparency in our August campaign update for PANQUAKE

This month we take a closer look at how the demand for a messaging service shaped by users & not driven by advertisers has morphed from a handful of volunteers to a dynamic independent company building a new online community space. Despite the efforts of Big Tech to slow us down, Panquake remains on track, now enrolling selected members for our BETA phase! We cover off what’s still to do, how we will do it and how you and all of our Panquake community can help. This is truly a co-operative effort and it’s the determination of people like you to be allowed to control your own narrative that will help to shape our work and get this project over the line.

BETA applications have been pouring in and although we anticipate a months-long process to vet all 5,000 participants, the first batch of approvals is already underway and notifications will be going out to the selected users in the next few days! If you haven't already, apply to join our BETA Team of 5,000 here

See how advertising-free, next generation messaging can become a reality

* Watch the August monthly delivery meeting video on Vimeo here or on You Tube here

* Read and share this tweet thread about major aspects of the delivery content

PANQUAKE going green

A bastion of internet freedom but equally importantly, a country that runs on 100% renewable, sustainable green energy, ICELAND is the home of Panquake, where all our data and services are hosted and operated from. Giving you the confidence that we have a long term and sustainable plan for hosting our platform - and one that contributes to a better, greener future for social media.

PANQUAKE campaign progress

This month's campaign statistics demonstrate a total recovery from the losses we incurred due to PayPal's withholding of our campaign donations and we are back into the green thanks to all of your support! We are also now employing 9 full time staff, who are stepping on the gas to speed the build of Panquake forward at an ever-increasing pace.

PANQUAKE production progress

Development of our software took another leap forward in August, as reflected in our Production Metrics. In particular, the design of a suite of microservices which will deliver key application data to our users is another notch on our bona fide geek belt. Our microservices compartmentalize and secure critical data, making the program more operationally sound and safe, as well as making Panquake more easily scalable and extensible when supplying services to ever larger numbers of users.

We also have been producing and polishing architectural documentation to a very high standard, which will eventually be included in our technical white paper upon release of our BETA!

TALK LIBERATION - Why did we create it, Who is reading it and What is it reporting on?

We care about our users and listen to them. Some people asked why Panquake launched a news service in the middle of a software development project! A valid question, so we discussed the many reasons Talk Liberation serves our community as well as enhances Panquake, at the August delivery meeting.

It's all about educating our community - but more, it's about educating ourselves. Because we must stay on top of the problems, in order to be able to engineer the solutions. And it's also fortifying PANQUAKE - providing additional income streams and channels for the financial support required to complete this project and deliver Panquake into your hands. Subscribe to Talk Liberation - Your Worldwide Internet Report today and you will receive articles and videos with really high production value covering the most important news that Panquake users need to know and care most about. News that is too important to paywall - so we haven't - but for those wanting to provide recurring financial support to Panquake on a monthly or yearly basis, this is a great way to do it.

The Most Transparent Project Ever

Because you are collectively funding Panquake, and Panquake is funding Talk Liberation - Your Worldwide Internet Report, we want you to be a part of watching the growth of what we’ve built together.

As August was our first full month of publishing, we've compiled the performance metrics for the publication into a handy new chart. With $0 P.R. or marketing spend, and promoted only by word of mouth on social media, here's where we're at after our first month:

Any digital marketing person will tell you that a 11.9% conversion rate - especially on a platform where it is entirely voluntary to pay anything at all - is phenomenally high. Even 5% would be considered extremely high, so our 11.9% is simply off the charts! As is our 29% opening rate for our content. This means we are getting the right product to the right audience and that is why they are so highly engaged in consuming the content as well as feeling motivated to provide the financial support necessary to secure this unique and important news service into the future.

This is an amazing start to what we hope will become the go-to platform for relevant and trustworthy news about the internet issues that affect us all. Including:

There is some super worrisome news out in the world right now which will have dire impacts on internet and social media users, as well as on civil liberties, human rights and freedom of communication.

The landscape is changing fast, from only seven months ago when we first launched this campaign, to what we're seeing unfold around us all as we write this. In an age where many are prevented from organising in physical spaces to influence policy and society in a positive way, having online spaces where we can organise effectively is more important than ever.

There are some really important conversations to be had about this and PANQUAKE will increasingly become a facilitator of those in the months to come. Watch this space.

The final phase of our fundraising campaign is nearing - at 83% of Phase Two the transition to Phase Three, the Delivery Phase is in sight. We need all of your help to get us there and the sooner we get there, the better for all of us. Please consider donating here and spreading the word about the opportunity that Panquake is, to as many people as you can, as regularly as you can. We are just regular people up against powerful corporations and interests, but together we are strong. We need advocates and evangelists to light our way through to the final phase so that we can look back proudly on what we have built together, and provide this vital communications tool to generations to come.

Thank you so much for all you do!

- The Panquake Team

DON'T MISS OUT! Early Adopters Flocking To Panquake BETA

Update posted on Donate

Dear Community - this is your chance. Please grab it while you can!

Shape the Social Media future you want - applications are now open for the PANQUAKE ‘Team of 5,000’ Beta Users

Wow, great start guys - at last weekend's public delivery meeting we put out the first invite for BETA users, and applications came flooding in. So many of you are keen to work with us in the pre-launch phase, making sure Panquake is the best it can be, before we open it up for public use. To those very early adopters, woohoo, great to have you on board!

We are selecting BETA users now because we have almost completed our Phase 2 fundraising & then we’ll move into the 3rd & FINAL phase which will activate the BETA launch.

If you haven’t applied to be a BETA user yet and using an independent platform that doesn’t collect or sell your data matters to you (did we mention no paid advertising either?) then get in contact here. Successful applicants to the Team of 5,000 will become the first people in the WORLD to get to use the Panquake.com application. Your feedback will help us to polish Panquake into the gem we know it will be.

If, like us, you want to get your hands on Panquake NOW then push this project along faster by donating here and helping to spread the word about this vital next generation solution: bring your friends and family up to speed by sharing this opportunity via your usual channels.

It is such exciting times for us here at Panquake and we know so many of you are feeling the excitement too.

Thank you so much for being a part of this incredible journey and empowering our hardworking team to deliver Panquake into your waiting hands!

More soon,

- The Panquake Team

This Is What You've Been Waiting For!!!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

TONIGHT Panquake mark their sixth public delivery event with arguably the most exciting announcement since the campaign launched back in January: Panquake is inviting supporters to join the Panquake BETA Team of 5,000!

In only a few hours from now, Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson will unveil all the key details of Panquake's BETA release plans at the regularly scheduled July monthly delivery meeting, which will be published on Vimeo.

A press release published on Panquake.com teasing the delivery gives a taste of some of the information that will be in tonight's announcement:

Thousands of supporters of next generation social media platform PANQUAKE are being invited to apply to join the BETA release of the blockchain-based short messaging service... Members of the public who apply will be vetted and hand selected by the PANQUAKE team to fill 5,000 BETA user spots, earning early access to the platform as well as a lifetime membership rate of only $3 per month.

Founder Suzie Dawson said: “It is thrilling to announce that we will be inviting our community to apply to participate in the PANQUAKE BETA. This moment marks a significant milestone in the development of a sorely needed solution in the social media space. In keeping with our Proof of Authority blockchain consensus model, those who are selected will form the trusted core of the PANQUAKE network. This will provide the peer-to-peer foundation upon which millions of users will later be able to publish their content to the PANQUAKE blockchain.”

The following infographic accompanies the announcement and outlines:

  • The Release Pathway for four iterations of the PANQUAKE application, from v1.0 BETA through to the v2.0 Full Public Release
  • The different user groups that will have access to each of the releases
  • The approximate schedule and pre-conditions for releasing each version of the Panquake application

Dawson will present much more information at the meeting including the most important detail of all - how users can apply to be part of the BETA! Stay tuned for a follow-up campaign update once the event video is published so you can be a step ahead of the crowd!

And of course, you can help speed the delivery process up by donating to get Panquake's groundbreaking social media innovations to the public more swiftly.

Exciting times!!

Big love from all of us here working for freedom of communication, every day!

- The Panquake Team

Panquake.com Launches Video News Service

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

We want YOU to be the most informed community in the world about the issues - user privacy, censorship, big tech manipulation, data security, law impacts and more - and the solutions Panquake provides.

That's why we're launching TALK LIBERATION - Your Worldwide Internet Report - a brand new Substack newsletter and video series starring up and coming online journalist Taylor Hudak, recapping the most important internet headlines around the globe in just a few minutes of your time.

Your Worldwide Internet Report is hot, fresh, quality information from unimpeachable sources produced at a high professional standard: check out the 1-minute promo below!

For a tiny $5 per month (or a discounted rate of $50 per year!) your Talk Liberation Substack subscription will give you a role in shaping your own future, not allowing greedy social media corporates to treat you and your data simply as a profit centre.

This news is too important for us to lock it behind a pay wall - so we haven’t. However, those who elect to join the Talk Liberation Community are the engine that will keep this machine running

Every week you will receive 2 updates to your inbox:

  • A news article covering the week’s developments in the online world
  • The latest episode of our headline news show Talk Liberation
  • Occasionally, we will post special guest interviews or other bonus content.

Be counted. Subscribe Now - you choose what you can afford.

And best of all, by subscribing to Your Worldwide Internet Report you will be indirectly supporting Panquake - the solution we are all waiting for!

Join the Talk Liberation Community

Your subscription is your ticket to the Talk Liberation Community. Be part of a community of people who share your interests. Talk with them directly & get straight answers.

As a member of our Community, you can interact with Taylor and our team directly via the Community section of our Substack page - talkliberation.substack.com. Give feedback, ask questions, share your thoughts and be part of a community of people who know how important it is to stay connected

Take the first step towards a better internet for all of us.

Talk Liberation - Your Worldwide Internet Report is brought to you by PANQUAKE.com: We Don’t Hope, We Build!

It is also being rolled out this week in additional languages: Spanish, Portuguese, German, French and Norwegian!

Oh - and did Panquake deliver at it's 5th monthly Public Delivery Event last night? Oh yes we did!!!

In fact, in June we surpassed May's progress in every single metric:

In May we promised that coding of the Panquake application would begin June 5th - we hit that target early and incredible progress is being made on the build:

As always, we'll keep you updated!

In the meantime, head over to our Substack and see what's on offer in this coming week - subscribe, and spread the word about this one-of-a-kind social media and internet news service!

Big love and well wishes,

- The Panquake Team

Turning Off PayPal & Chasing Refunds For You!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

We’re so disappointed to tell you that since May 13th, 2021 PayPal has failed to transfer to Panquake any of the donations received by them on our behalf. We have tried & tried to get this sorted, but it looks like another case of sabotage - clearly there are players who don’t want to see Panquake get off the ground and who don’t respect the will or the sacrifice of our donors.

Our staff have engaged in constant efforts to resolve this issue and our business is in full compliance with all of PayPal’s documented information requests. They've even acknowledged receiving all the information they've requested from us, long since. However, PayPal still will not release our funds to us. Paypal’s processes and explanations throughout this period have been circular, nonsensical, diversionary and remain unresolved.

Thousands of YOUR dollars are being unjustly withheld from us. In order to protect YOU we’ve taken the reluctant but conscientious step of proactively severing our PayPal integration. We’ve done this to ensure that no additional donors are subjected to having their hard earned money seized by a seemingly unaccountable corporation.

For those who have been directly impacted, we will be demanding that PayPal refund all donations that they are withholding and we urge you to contact PayPal and demand restitution.

If they’re not prepared to give us the funds they collected on our behalf, they should at the very least be returning YOUR money to you.

We consider the actions (and inactions) of PayPal to be a direct hit on our ability to pay our staff and progress our build. However, the powers that be will learn that we’re not so easily discouraged and nor is the Panquake Community - that’s you guys!!

We urge you to rally around us and help to share, support and advance our crowdsourced fundraising campaign more than ever before. Let’s double down our efforts and push to our $167,000 target (only $33,000 left to go!!) so that we can move into the third and final phase of our project - the delivery phase!!!

Oh - and you might also want to also let PayPal know how you feel about PayPal’s behavior towards us little people. Pretty poor “service” we’d say.

June Public Delivery Event - Expect Big Things!!!

In brighter news, tomorrow (Saturday June 26th) is our 5th public delivery event and we’ll be coming to you as promised with a ton of exciting updates and some further big announcements.

You can see us on our Vimeo page from around 10.30pm Eastern (7.30pm Pacific). Can’t wait to show you all that our incredible and hardworking team has been up to, plugging away daily to deliver solutions that will transform your online lives! It’ll be a treat and we’re looking forward to it.

Thank you for all your enduring support and know we treasure every kind word as well as every donation you bring in to help progress this project.

Huge love from us to you,

- The Panquake Team

Panquake Delivery Phase - Are You Ready?

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

The batter is in the pan and that lovely warm cooking smell is permeating throughout the kitchen!

Thanks to YOU Panquake now has TEN full and part time paid staff working daily to bring you and everyone you love the delicious combination of panquakes and freedom!!!

And that tastiest of treats will be served up with a side of Talk Liberation TV!! What's TLTV?? Read through the following updates to find out!

The May Delivery Event

At last weekend's 4th consecutive public delivery event, Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson presented a mountain of recent technical achievements and progress on the Panquake build. Click here to see all the exciting new announcements to our Community as well as lots of geeky stuff for the tech-savvy!

In her introduction to the event Dawson said: "You're about to see unbelievable progress on the back end build of our application. The reason for that is because of the new hires in May that came from April's amazing fundraising. Those new hires and myself worked every minute of every day to push the development forward, while not cutting any corners! That's why for the first three weeks of May you didn't see much of me in independent media, because we were knuckling down and making sure that this build was pulling together and moving together as fast as possible.”

Speedy Progress Towards Delivery

The results of our team's efforts powered by your support has been spectacular. Because of this amazing people-powered collaboration, Panquake has recently begun showing its user interface and its development progress to a selection of media, influencers and endorsers. Their response? Thrilled by the design quality, excited and enthusiastic about the progress towards the delivery of the Beta.

At the delivery meeting, Dawson issued a major call to action for all Panquake supporters: help hit our current fundraising target by Saturday June 26th so that we can implement the Delivery Phase.

"Once our fundraiser hits 100%, we will be able to hire the remaining devs, we will be able to increase the velocity of our build, and we will be able to, even more excitingly, move into our third and final fundraising phase, which is Phase 3 - where we will be fundraising for the costs of releasing, marketing, and supporting our users in the Beta release. So the sooner we push this fundraiser right now to 100%, the sooner we move into the Delivery Phase for the Beta version of panquake.com!" Dawson said.

But wait, there's more!

Panquake Spreads Its Wings

Dawson also announced two major new ways that Panquake is going to serve its community and the world - Panquake is establishing investigative journalism platforms to provide global coverage of current affairs relevant to the Panquake community including Big Tech censorship, suppression, surveillance, freedom of speech and freedom of information!

Launching in June, Talk Liberation TV will be a weekly show hosted by the talented and popular independent journalist Taylor Hudak, who serves as Panquake's Digital Media Director. Every week we will publish a long form article on Panquake's Substack and follow it up with our weekly TV show, which will be uplaoded to a wide variety of video platforms.

Taking Us Global

Like our Community, the Panquake team is spread around the globe and is multilingual. We want our content to reflect that, so as part of our internationalization focus all of our digital content will be systematically translated by our foreign language team into:

* Spanish
* Portuguese
* German
* French
* Norwegian
…and eventually, other languages!

YOUR support is what is making this happen for everyone and YOUR support is what is going to push this fundraiser to 100% complete so that together we can move into the delivery phase.

Every effort you make counts, whether it’s donating or simply spreading the word!

We absolutely love hearing from you so please send us your thoughts, feedback, questions and ideas at contact@talkliberation.com and as always, share this update to give others a glimpse at what is coming!

With our love and appreciation,

- The Panquake Team

Lucky Few Wowed by Panquake Preview

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

Can you smell the butter and maple syrup?

With development of Panquake running ahead of schedule, the team has been sharing the look and feel of Panquake's front end screens as well as its back end progress with selected media, experts and advocates. This is part of our ongoing commitment to transparency and collaboration – Panquake is designed to reflect the needs of the users who comprise our Panquake community so it’s part of our ethos to encourage involvement during every step of development.

What are these previewers saying?

“Amazing”, “absolutely incredible”, “this is going to cause a social media revolution” and from comedian Graham Elwood: “this is going to spread like wildfire!”

So what’s the fuss all about? The functionality (light years ahead of existing channels), the ease of use and the way Panquake respects users, neither collecting nor marketing their data and keeping the platform advertising free.

See details for yourself -

This coming Saturday the Panquake team will post their 4th monthly Public Delivery Meeting, transparently sharing project statistics and production metrics, discussing all the month’s progresses and announcing plans and deliverables for the coming month.

The event will be published to the Panquake Vimeo channel at 9pm Eastern, Saturday May 29th.

Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson said: “Thanks to the support of our Community, our development team is rip-roaring ahead and the progress of Panquake has accelerated so significantly that our supporters can practically smell the butter and maple syrup! As our Lead Developer recently stated in an open letter, we are making good on every promise to our users and doing so ‘without cutting any corners’. This groundbreaking project is everything we hoped, and more.”

Want to use PANQUAKE soon?

Help us move this project on. Donate and join our Panquake Community. We are now at 74% complete on this funding round and your help to achieve our target is vitally important to allow us to move to the next phase!

And remember to share this post, give your family and friends the chance to make a change for the greater good. Take back ownership of your personal communications!

See you this coming Saturday!

- The Panquake Team

Twitter Bans YOU!!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

We received an email that you have to see to believe. Because it contains shocking corporate hubris on naked display.

What kind of a company has the audacity to write to its users and tell them not to bother writing back because they won't read it? A kind of company like this, apparently:

The above letter from Twitter related to our having filed a complaint over the arbitrary suspension without reason of the account "Panquake People".

People was an organising group for ordinary members of the public who of their own volition were supporting Panquake and collaborating to promote our groundbreaking people-powered platform.

But the corporates wanted to squash their voice and have done so, by permanently suspending the Panquake People account and refusing to enter into any further discussion about it.

This letter shocked us for a number of reasons.

1. Twitter is not just attacking Panquake staff, as they have done previously, but now also our supporters

2. Twitter claims Panquake People had "multiple or repeat violations" of its Terms Of Service - this is false. This is the first account suspension and no prior warning was ever received.

3. Despite making allegations, Twitter supplied no evidence whatsoever panquakeof any such "violations" of its Terms of Service. So their email amounts to hollow words, from a callous organisation.

4. Panquake People only amplified the voices of ordinary people - it did not post any custom tweets or new content at all and never had. panquakeSo any infringing content (which we seriously doubt there was any) was via retweet only.

5. The hubris required to ban an account with no evidence and then dictate that the customer cannot even reply to the letter or follow up on the issue in any way, is a shocking lack of transparency and a total abandonment of the democratic value of due process.

What these incredibly poor business practices add up to is that Twitter is running a technological dictatorship. It doesn't have customer service, it has an abuse service! Where you are silenced and then gaslit about the reasons why and deprived of any ability for redress or recourse.

For Panquake staff, this is a Master Class in how to NEVER operate our services.

Registered users on Panquake will enjoy a completely different experience!

We promise:

* The chance to talk to a real person

* No moderation-by-algorithm

* Transparent moderation practices, where content removal, account suspension or banning occurs transparently on the blockchain where all users can inspect our actions and examine our reasoning

* We won't falsely accuse you of actions you did not take - because every public user action will be recorded openly for everyone to see

* We will never tell you that you can't respond to us

You have told us again and again how desperately Panquake is needed in the social media space. But it's more than our product that will be such a warm relief to so many. It is our service.

We promise to serve you, not to just deliver a product then leave you high and dry or hanging on a limb when you need help and answers.

What Twitter is doing to the public is indefensible and there should be accountability. No entity should be able to eradicate people's communication history and harm their relationships arbitrarily, or worse, to lie about it and get away with it. They are blatantly anti-competitive and monopolistic. The public deserves better.

will usher in a new generation of social media that will put the user back in control. Where the onus is on us, the provider, to account for our actions, and not just on the user to account for theirs.

You are helping us to make that happen, and to bring it about more swiftly by donating to our amazing crowdfunding campaign here.

To all those everyday citizens who were involved in Panquake People only to discover that the avenue has been squashed, we are so sorry that Twitter has silenced your voice in this way. We promise to do much, much better by you than they have.

With love,

- The Panquake Team

Our Biggest And Best Delivery To Date!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

Oops, we did it again! Another huge monthly delivery last Saturday night, one you definitely won't want to miss.

Mountains of new content was unleashed including:

* An exclusive look at our gorgeous new range of Panquake merchandise (available for purchase next month!)
* A presentation on all our new downloadable and printable content on our revamped Goodies page (check it out!)
* The unveiling of our new Tech section on our website, packed full of slides and videos
* A sneak peak at some of the commercial-grade back end build of Panquake, including technical documentation

The event also doubled as a skeptic's guide to Panquake - with Suzie Dawson and Sean O'Brien doing an extensive Q+A, answering all the questions that users have been reaching out to us to ask about Panquake.

The feedback since the event has been phenomenal. After reviewing our technical documentation, one viewer wrote on Facebook:

"In my 40 years as a software engineer, I have never had the privilege to work for a management team that has understood these development methods as well as Suzie Dawson does. It is almost enough to make me want to come out of retirement..."

Founder Suzie Dawson said: "It is so validating to receive this kind of feedback from professionals in the field. Multiple times now, we've seen that experts are recognising the level of skill and professionalism being displayed by the Panquake development team. We get why some other people have doubts. Too often startups tell you that they're designing something new and that they can walk on water. So skepticism is rational. Keep firing your questions at us and we are happy to continue to answer transparently and publicly how and why Panquake is different."

You can view the delivery event video on You Tube or here on Vimeo:

With us today breaking the $120,000 mark on the campaign fundraiser, Panquake is super close to completing our Phase 2 funding round. At the delivery event, Suzie Dawson confirmed that there are now four full time paid contractors working on Panquake and one part time paid contractor! All of this is because of the support of you and people like you! You are enabling this game changing solution being brought to us all. Thank you from our entire team for your love and support.

Please help us keep pushing this campaign forward. The sooner we can get this round complete and move into Phase Three, the sooner yummy little panquakes will be in your hands!!!

Encourage everyone you know to support our campaign by donating here. Like clockwork, we will keep delivering for you every single month. Because we are all working together to make this happen, a new social media future is ahead for us all and that is really special!

See you again soon,

- The Panquake Team

Panquake Blasts To 118k - Only 50k To Go! Thanks AFK!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

Well they say it's always darkest before the dawn and my what a difference a week can make. As you know, we'd been struggling against censorship and various malevolent forces that many of you warned us we'd hit up against sooner or later.. but thankfully art, love and humanity have come to save the day!

An anonymous Norwegian street artist named "AFK" famous for provocative murals including several about major whistleblowers and publishers like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, stunned us this week by giving Panquake its largest single donation to date!

Facilitated by Norwegian gallery "Gate Galleriet", the momentous donation was accompanied with the following message:

The work mentioned above, "Making A Martyr", is a deliciously ironic expression of support for Panquake, as the work signifies an allusion of crucifixion of a female politician in the context of a debate about freedom of expression. The artist's official website states, about the piece: "In this way [AFK] forced the public to reflect on what freedom of expression is and whether or not it should be restricted or censored."

The donation blasted Panquake through its first 100k milestone and all the way up to 118k - leaving slightly less than 50k to go until we meet our Phase Two fundraising target. This is so exciting for our team, our supporters and our Community - you! Our hard work is paying off, our ability to develop and deliver the product is ever strengthening and with your help we will hit the target and move into Phase three in no time!

Panquake Founder Suzie Dawson said: “I would like to acknowledge and thank the incredible Norwegian artist "AFK" & gallery Gate Galleriet who have made a hugely generous donation to Panquake. I am not just humbled but in shock actually, that such a talented and important artistic voice would know of Panquake or of my work, let alone support us in such a significant and profound way. News of this donation is a much deserved boost for our hardworking and dedicated team.”

Third Public Delivery Meeting Next Saturday

Panquake’s third monthly public delivery meeting is scheduled for Saturday 24th of April, at which Dawson and other team members will present updated project and campaign statistics and progresses to the Panquake Community. This will be your chance to track our progress along with us and see with your own eyes exactly where we are up to with delivering Panquake into your waiting hands.

The delivery video will be available at TalkLiberation.com from 9pm Eastern (US) next Saturday.

For a refresher on last month's delivery meeting please click here.

Thank you all so much for your abundant support and outreach efforts and for educating your friends and family about what Panquake is and why it is so important to support this project.

Our success truly is your freedom and the faster we hit our fundraising targets the faster we will be able to bring this much needed solution to the world.

See you next week,
- The Panquake Team

Twitter Silencing Its Competition - Panquake

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

We could forgive you for thinking we've been silent. In fact, we're being silenced. By Twitter (again).

Last month, Twitter formally apologized to us for banning all our accounts simultaneously, for "spam". After a massive public outcry and a media inquiry requesting official comment from Twitter, they emailed us to say it was all a mistake, and reinstated (nearly) all our accounts.

But that was then. This is now.

This month, they've been slowly reversing that position by waging a silent war of attrition against Panquake. After their attempt at eradicating us in one fell swoop fell so spectacularly flat, we are now discovering that one by one, our accounts are being suspended.

Our PR account @panquakePR was never returned to us, despite us making repeated requests.

Then, they went after the people. @Panquakepeople.

A well known anti-war activist was arranging a group public campaign of coordinated tweeting, under that account. The account was suspended before that effort could get off the ground.

Next, they took down our support channel. @Panquakesupport had been providing advice and feedback to our user community. Now it cannot, thanks to the anti-competitive behavior of a big tech competition.

But that wasn't enough for them. They subsequently directly targeted the account of our Social Media manager, @panquakeT.

And the piece de resistance? Today, they restricted the account of our development team, @PanquakeDev.

The knives are out. Panquake spells change on the horizon and the old guard don't like it one bit. They've been pleasantly riding atop their monopolies while periodically reporting to Congress that they aren't a monopoly and in fact support "competition in the space". But Panquake is bursting that anti-trust bubble and exposing them for what they are. Talking out both sides of their mouth, even as the Supreme Court this very week declared that big tech have no right to silence users.

Some may argue that Twitter has no obligation to provide services to competitors. This is counter-intuitive for a few reasons. A telephone company does not deny service provision to other telephone companies. Competing services can use each other's networks to place marketing calls or promote their own products uninhibited. Certainly, if the day comes when Twitter wishes to register a Panquake account, we will not stand in their way, deny them service, take punitive action against them on our platform or engage in anti-trust or monopolistic behaviors as they do.

If you are outraged by watching a billion dollar corporation attempt to choke a startup that is funded by tiny public contributions, we urge you to spread this news and make your opinions known. Several Congressional Representatives are working hard to hold the big tech robber barons to account. We urge you to submit this information to their offices and to raise the issue of big tech censorship with your local representatives and your local newspapers.

Ultimately, word of mouth is making Panquake's crowdfunding campaign a success, and the monopolistic behavior of Twitter only motivates us to forge ahead and deliver this important, groundbreaking, next generation social media solution into your hands.

We thank you so much for all your support, and remind you that our success is your freedom, and your shares are our voice.

With love,
- The Panquake Team

Panquake Delivers Again!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

Corporates report to their Boards - we report to you! As our community investors, you're the most important factor in where we're going and this is a team effort so once again Panquake has produced an information-packed monthly delivery/progress report for you!

Who's donating and why, and what are we doing with their money? How far have we come? Where are we up to? What's the progress? Suzie and Sean present all this and much more:

While understandably, there's plenty of techy, geeky stuff within, Panquake is also doing some really interesting academic work on identifying the ways in which users are being abused by Big Tech and the corresponding ways that Panquake will cure that abuse. We aren't OK with you being spied on and taken for granted by corporations and are working to free you from the false choice between your privacy and your access to communications! The difference between what they do to you and how we will treat you couldn't be any more stark and the following diagrams produced by us are fascinating and depict that dichotomy really well:



We have been really touched by the comments you've been leaving for us on our donation page. One user wrote "You may not even know how badly we need this!"

Another wrote: "PanQuake” sounds less to me like an isolated earthquake, and more like a tectonic shift in political liberty. If my hunch is correct, PanQuake won’t merely alter the superficial landscaping of world culture, but rebuild and reshape—worldwide, from top to bottom—the Himalayan peaks and abyssopelagic trenches of democratically organized society. I’m expecting Panquake to register 10 on the Richter Scale, and I tremor with tsunamic delight at the promising possibilities..."

This week Suzie wrote an open letter revealing that shady characters are already pressuring Panquake's supporters and staff and that Panquake has been experiencing technological interference and attacks of various types. This doesn't surprise us in the slightest. But as she wrote:

"I would like to make unequivocally clear that we are going to complete this build... Many of our staff have commented that this is the most important project we have ever worked on... What we are doing is nothing less than securing the future of freedom of association and freedom of speech. We will push this project over the line no matter what."

So our resolve is firm and our collective futures depend on it. Your support is cementing this build. Your promotion of us, is strengthening us. The world needs Panquake and you are helping to bring it to fruition!

With a 50% increase in donations last month, we're well on the path to getting this product into all of our hands. While we continue to build, build, build we ask you to continue to share, share, share!

We'll be back with another update soon.

Our success is your freedom,
- The Panquake Team

The Best Of Times, The Worst Of Times

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

We have tons of news to bring you since our last update and much like the colors of the Panquake logo these tidings are a full spectrum from fun and exciting to deep and thought provoking.

Firstly, you'll be thrilled to know that today (Friday) at 4pm Pacific, 7pm Eastern, Panquake will be making an appearance live on The Jimmy Dore Show! Suzie Dawson will be chatting with Jimmy, Stef and the crew about this exciting lifeboat that we are building to help you and your loved ones paddle away from Big Tech censorship! The stream will be live on Jimmy Dore's You Tube Channel and we'd love to see you in the chat!

Hopefully you saw Suzie's most recent appearance on Graham Elwood's channel and shared a few laughs with the two of them in the course of a brilliant discussion about Panquake and censorship in general. If not, you can check out the playback here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQI6A7upTFM

With Graham having recently been demonetised by You Tube in retaliation for his and Lee Camp's discussions about JFK, independent media are feeling the ever tightening noose that is increasingly choking free speech on corporate platforms.

Indeed, Suzie's appearance on the Progressive talk show Hard Lens Media seemed similarly frowned upon by the powers that be - on the very day of taping, within minutes of completing the episode where Suzie was interviewed, Hard Lens Media was banned from accessing their official You Tube channel for 7 days and were unable to publish the interview. They eventually did get it out a week later, and here it is!

Unfortunately, these aren't the only recent examples of a war being waged against independent voices and their attempts to bring free speech and freedom of communication to the masses. panquake.com itself has faced 8 straight days of DDOS attacks against our domains, causing sporadic outage of our service. The attacks were directed at and through our Icelandic host, and while they did not manage to cause permanent damage, it is clear that someone/s are testing both our resources and our resolve. Sadly for them and happily for you all, we are more committed than ever to delivering to you our groundbreaking social media service.

Nothing will stop us and your support strengthens our ability to make good on that promise.

It is your love and dedication and thirst for our product that has empowered us to take steps to expand and harden our infrastructure against such attacks. We are happy to report that production has continued regardless and we are very much looking forward to presenting all types of new goodies and progress to you at our upcoming March public delivery meeting.

Our end-of-February delivery was so well received - for more details as to what was released check out this thread by Suzie which is packed full of slides and images about what Panquake is and will do for you in this critical and historic time.

As you know, we need funds urgently to deliver Panquake to you faster! More money means more developers and more developers means Panquake in your hands much more quickly. So as ever, please do all that you can to spread the word about the importance of contributing to this project, by donating here

Our success is your freedom.

- The Panquake Team

NERD ALERT! Latest Panquake Delivery Update Here

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community: once again, we have promised and delivered :)
Get an insider’s look at how our groundbreaking next generation technology will work, and hear from Yale Privacy Lab’s Sean O’Brien what this will mean for you!

Because we are a community and Panquake couldn’t exist without your support, we want to make sure you can share our journey as we build this fantastic new platform. Our latest delivery update is now available on our Vimeo channel! Co-founder Suzie Dawson takes you though the design and architecture of the PQ project in an astonishing level of detail.

More than you wanted to know? Maybe, but it’s your support that has got this off the ground, and your support that will give us all a next generation communication platform that we can trust. We want you to see what is going on, how much organization and sheer hard work is going into this project so you can feel the confidence to keep supporting PQ, and to spread the word so we can grow the Panquake Community and get this delivered FAST!

As exciting as the tech side is to us, if it’s not your bag, you can always fast forward to hear Sean O’Brien from Yale University’s Privacy Lab talk about what this all actually means for users. How you will control it and own your own data and communications. Different from what’s happening now? That’s a hard YES!!!

So we’ve shared our delivery plan, but our ultimate delivery date depends on you. You’ve already answered “if” Panquake will exist - now we need you to answer “when”. Being a user-funded network is what allows us to preserve and fight for your freedoms and it is our users who will make this happen! We need more PQ community members to grow the groundswell and to get you a short messaging platform that in all ways prioritises, values and serves you, the user.

Be the change. If you haven’t donated yet, please consider doing that - we appreciate contributions of any size, every dollar will be put to good use, and please, please, please, spread the word and share, share, share! Tell your friends to Join Panquake and Donate to speed up our development!

Our success is your freedom. We don't hope, we build!

See you soon,
- The Panquake Team

Panquake is coming!

Panquake statistics

​Big Tech Chasing Panquake?

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community,

Wow what a difference 5 weeks makes. As well as bringing hope and the prospect of a brighter digital future to all of you, Panquake has changed the way the social media industry thinks about itself, without even releasing our product yet!

We launched our business in a climate of abject censorship that has only worsened since. And now none other than Twitter is dipping a toe in the Panquake waters by suggesting that they too might adopt a subscription model. As if paying to be spied on, censored and having your data sold to corporations and governments would somehow be an improvement to their status quo business! Subsequently, #RIPTwitter is trending on Twitter.

Why would a behemoth, privacy-obliterating, corporate back-scratching for-profit, social media monopoly suddenly want to change their business model? Two reasons come to mind: a) they’re being forced to by the threat of a competitive alternative and b) greed.

Panquake Co-Founder Suzie Dawson said it best today:
“People who can't innovate their way out of a paper bag taking their cues from people who can, never works. The *ONLY* thing that Twitter could ever do that would be even vaguely threatening to our project would be to: a) stop censoring the #$#@ out of everyone and b) stop spying on us all ∓ using our data for profit. And if by some miracle that happened, I'd call it a massive victory.”


While the big players chase our tail, we’ve been hard at work preparing an amazing first monthly public delivery event for you this weekend -
Tune in from 8pm Eastern this coming Saturday at our Vimeo channel!

Co-founder Suzie Dawson will be unveiling all kinds of never-seen-before goodies relating to the build progress of Panquake, joined by fellow executive team members Jo Booth, Sean O’Brien and Bill Binney. Can’t wait to see you there!

Our delivery plan will be revealed but our ultimate delivery date depends on you. You’ve already answered “if” Panquake will exist - now we need you to answer “when”.

Being a user-funded network is what allows us to preserve and fight for your freedoms and it is our users who will make this happen! We will stretch every dollar to get you a short messaging platform that in all ways prioritises, values and serves you, the user.

Be the change. If you haven’t donated yet, please consider doing that (yes, there’s that message again!) and please, please, please, spread the word and share, share, share!

Tell your friends to Join Panquake and Donate to speed up our development!

Our success is your freedom.

See you soon,

- The Panquake Team

​You Are Invited! 1st Panquake Public Delivery Meeting

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

We are excited to confirm our first public delivery meeting is imminent! As promised, Panquake co-founder Suzie Dawson will be:

  • presenting all new details about the design and functionality of our service
  • breaking down our development progress to date
  • outlining the pathway by which we are delivering our groundbreaking new social media platform into your hands

The event will be available at TalkLiberation.com from 8pm Eastern on Saturday, February 27th and then uploaded to our Vimeo and YouTube channels.

It is important to us that you be able to participate in this event.

We want to acknowledge and incorporate your thoughts, feedback, ideas and most importantly, answer your questions. So please email these to contact@talkliberation.com or post them on social media with the hashtag #TalkLiberation. We will speak to them directly during the stream!

Now that we’ve told you what’s coming - we’d like to tell you a bit about what’s already happening.

Panquake is being built as a long term, sustainable, resilient enterprise. So as well as giving you insight into our product development, we want to share with you some details about what goes on behind the scenes at Panquake. We are committed to producing an ethical and transparent social media service and in support of that, we have created an ethical and transparent business.

Although presently staffed by volunteers, Panquake is a cohesive, professional and international commercial operation. Our team - which now numbers 26 - work in four distinct business areas: Project Management, Business Support, Development and Marketing.

Every Saturday, for several months now, all staff come together for a full team meeting. This gives every team member visibility into all of our business areas so that no one is left in the dark about any aspect of what we are doing. This keeps us all on the same page and creates a wonderful sense of camaraderie.

In addition to this, each team and their sub-teams hold weekly meetings of their own, in which they review the week’s progresses and drill down into their particular deliverables for the coming week, as pertains to their specific area and workload.

These weekly meetings include:

  • Architecture Meeting (championed by Bill Binney)
  • Blockchain Meeting (championed by our blockchain expert)
  • Business Support Team Meeting (led by Business Support Team Lead)
  • Design Team Meeting (led by our new Creative Design Lead)
  • Development Team Meeting (led by the Development Manager)
  • Marketing Team Meeting (led by our Media Director, Taylor Hudak)
  • Project Management Meeting (attended by our project manager and project coordinators)
  • Social Media Team Meeting (led by our Social Media Coordinator)
  • Accounting Meeting (our financials are reconciled weekly by our Accounts Administrator and reported to our Executive)
  • Executive Team Meeting (comprised of Bill Binney, Sean O’Brien, Suzie Dawson and Jo Booth)
  • This structure ensures that no stone is left unturned to develop Panquake as both a product and a business, into all that it can and should be, to best serve you - our users.

    Our teams are already producing training materials for new staff as we inevitably grow, developing standard operating procedures to streamline our efforts and future proofing our business for scalability.

    This fabulous workforce deserves and will absolutely need compensation for the time they are investing in revolutionizing the social media space, for all of our benefit.

    Furthermore, our ability to convert our development team (in particular) from volunteers to full time contractors would dramatically expedite the product build and reduce the ultimate delivery timeframe

    That is why we have launched Phase 2 of our crowdfunding effort: to enable our staff to work exclusively on Panquake. To make Phase 2 as successful as Phase 1 was will require the support of the Panquake Community.

    We are currently lining up a series of interviews and media appearances that will help to spread the word about this project and generate new recruits for our Community! But ultimately, it is word of mouth that will win the day and that’s why we need you all to be as vocal as possible in circulating key links and information about Panquake to members of the public who do not yet know about it.

    Together we can and will deliver this product to the world - and swiftly.

    The overwhelming success of Phase 1 answered “if”. The outcome of Phase 2 will answer “when?”.

    So please, if you are able, consider donating again to help achieve this, and most importantly, share, share, share! We will do everything we can to amplify your voices.

    Thank you so much,

    - The Panquake Team

YOU DID IT!!! 50K Milestone Update!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

Woohoo!!! Can you believe that we’ve already achieved our first 50K funding milestone? But more importantly and so heartwarmingly, we have more than 1,350 backers!!!

You are amazing! We thought it would take us 8-12 weeks to reach this milestone but you delivered it in only 23 days! In less than one month you have pulled together into a strong and vibrant community thirsty for change and ensured that our Beta product WILL happen.

Together, you’ve covered our basic capital expenditure costs for Panquake 1.0: that’s server infrastructure paid for. That’s business registrations in multiple jurisdictions paid for. That’s front end beta application costs paid for. An absolutely legendary effort and in record time!

Stop and pat yourselves on the back, because like us, you don’t just talk about change, you take action to make it happen. You have wrapped yourselves around us and become our marketing team. You know we are independents and need your help to make this work. And that’s exactly what is happening, what a community effort!

If you have a moment, scroll through the comments left by donors - we love doing exactly that. Your feedback fuels us. You’re telling us that we’re already making a difference in the way you feel about the future of communication. That you see the need for panquake.com as much as we do.

We hear you: you want Panquake fast. At lightning speed. We all need this solution now. So our next mission is to accelerate the build while retaining our focus on quality.

How do we do that?

By bringing on full time developers and coders. Our volunteers are saints and have shown their dedication over the last four months. But while they have to fit Panquake around their day jobs (and of course their family & friends), they can’t possibly complete a major commercial software build as fast as we all need it to happen. Looking after our team is important to us.

So we’re setting a series of stretch targets to fundraise for formally employing our professional workforce, beginning with our development team. This will offer them income security and empower them to produce better and faster. It’s worth noting that we have a team willing to work for lower than commercial rates, because they have the belief and passion for this project.

We are renewing our fund-raising efforts across all media - we want to bring on thousands of backers to spread the word and share the load. This is an independent messaging platform that will always be advertising free so we do not have or want venture capital investors with their inevitable strings attached. We know that individuals working together can do this, so please help us to grow our community.

Being a user-funded network is what allows us to preserve and fight for your freedoms and it is our users who will make this happen! We will stretch every dollar to get you a short messaging platform that in all ways prioritises, values and serves you, the user.

Be the change. If you haven’t donated yet, please consider doing that (yes, there’s that message again!) and please, please, please, spread the word and share, share, share!

Tell your friends to Join Panquake and Donate to speed up our development!

Our success is your freedom

All the best,

- The Panquake Team

Danger Will Robinson!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

As we power towards completion of our Phase 1 goal, a success for which all of you are directly responsible, we are unsurprised to see the first legislative threat to our revolutionary internet freedom and privacy model is already manifesting and we want to urgently warn you about it!

As you know, Panquake is leading the social media space in creating a user-supported social network that turns the public into valued customers instead of being a product to be data mined and abused. This model is proving to be a potential Achilles heel for the status quo and they are scared!

Accordingly, we today received news from Sean O'Brien, Founder of the Yale Privacy Lab at the Yale School of Law that there are newly proposed changes to Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act which may penalise services like Panquake which charge users for services, while retaining some protections for big tech companies who offer supposedly 'free' services - while spying on their users, secretly packaging your data for commercial sale to big data corporations and to governments, manipulating user content and censoring your speech and pocketing billions in the process.

In short, they are scared of YOU becoming our customer. They want you to remain being THEIR product. This is obviously completely unacceptable.

Now the good news is this - because we anticipated this type of action and are registering and operating our company in multiple jurisdictions outside of the reach of the USA, Panquake will still be able to provide you with services. But the precedent these politicians are seeking to set, will materially damage user's interests by entrenching many of the existing immoral commercial practices of big tech, under the guise of promoting your rights. So we hope Americans will push back! Call your representatives, and tell your friends and family that you do not support the changes to Section 230 proposed by Senator Mark Warner and co.

You can click here to read the text of their proposed amendment to Section 230.

Sean O'Brien, founder of the Yale Privacy Lab at Yale School of Law, and a member of Panquake's Executive Committee said: "The proposed changes attack simple subscription models like Panquake's directly, as well as any service people support with funding to avoid pervasive data surveillance and protect their speech. Some of the language is also broad and vague enough to create loopholes for the powerful and draconian enforcement for disruptive, innovative, grassroots websites and services. It also may give a free pass to media conglomerates and data brokers."

Below you can see the email our co-founder Suzie Dawson sent to key influencers today regarding the proposed amendment:

Thanks to your incredible generosity, advocacy and support we are so close to completion of our Phase 1 funding target! We are planning something special for you once we reach that milestone and launch Phase 2. We never dreamed that we would be able to grow as a company and a product offering so quickly but your incredible response is making exactly that happen.

It has been a huge three weeks for our team and we are overjoyed to be on track to deliver you a world class, innovative service that will change the way users think and feel about social media going forward.

Thank you so much for being a part of this journey, sharing our content and helping to tell the world about this grassroots movement for a more equitable and just method of communication for us all.

Our success is your freedom! Accordingly, we ask that you share this post and our crowdfunding campaign, as we continue full throttle towards a better future for us all, together.

We'll write again soon.

All the best,

- The Panquake Team

Presenting The New panquake.com

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

As promised - new content for our users is here! Our website has undergone a major renovation. It’s very reflective of the forward momentum created by the increasing awareness in the public consciousness about Panquake!

When we arranged our first livestream (can it really be only 2 weeks ago?) it was to announce our plans for a new era in social media to a select group of online friends. We thought we’d follow this with a more public launch in a couple of months, but we underestimated the thirst for change that is out there.

We‘re blown away with your enthusiasm and support, and by the already over one thousand Panquake donors who have joined forces to support our community!!

Now, we really want to get Panquake to you fast and that’s why we soon will be setting stretch targets to fundraise for converting our volunteers into full-time team members as a priority. Doing this will dramatically speed up the delivery time for our product and get it into your hands much sooner. But we also want to make sure you get to participate in the journey..

So in response to your ideas & requests, we have redesigned our website panquake.com and are constantly adding new content. Have a look at these new sections:

  • News - keep a close eye on this page - this is where you check on project progress - all important. (In the coming weeks, Video and digital media content will be available at talkliberation.com which is being remodeled as we write this.)
  • Endorsers - this project is too important for us to work alone and before we even started building a Panquake community we worked with key people who could help to advise and guide us. They’ve been generous with their support - you’ll see more about who these wonderful people are here!
  • Goodies - we are constantly dazzled and amazed by how many Panquake supporters have taken the initiative to dress their accounts with our imagery. Many have asked for official files to do this with and here it is now: logo files, social media profile thumbnails, banners and more - we will be adding dozens of new downloadable digital designs and graphic work to this section as we go along, so keep checking back!
  • * Crypto donations Okay, okay, we heard you! You want to give us crypto and we love crypto so of course we will take it! So yes, you can now join up and donate to us using any one of 12 major cryptocurrencies - including ZCash and Monero for those privacy savvy users out there! See all of the options here

So what’s next? You keep asking for Panquake merchandise & we’re working on an official PQ shop right now! We love that you want to spread the word & show your support in this way - watch for updates./p>

We have been working hard on a large amount of content updates across a variety of platforms which will be announced imminently. We are sure you will be as proud as we are of the quality and quantity of work that is soon to be unveiled. We will write again soon!

And talking about your support, we need lots of people to hear about what we’re doing & to advocate for us, so as always just remember that this is a user-funded network and it is the users who will make this work!

We will use every dollar to get you a short messaging platform that in all ways prioritises, values and serves you, the user.

Be the change. If you haven’t donated yet, please consider doing that (you’re going to hear this message a few thousand times!) and please, please, please, spread the word and share, share, share!

Tell your friends to Join Panquake and Donate to speed up our development!

- The Panquake Team

Panquake Fundraising - Are We There Yet?

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

The question on every road trip - are we there yet? Well, the answer depends on where ‘there’ is. You will likely be as thrilled as we are to know that in less than 2 weeks we have nearly reached 70% of our start-up target!!! Unbelievable, so huge thanks to all of our wonderful supporters in the Panquake Community who have donated and shared our message. We love you for this.

So where is your money going? The 50k initial target is what determined whether we would be able to complete the Beta AT ALL - thanks to your help, yes we can!

(To read our press release about this, please click here)

These funds have made sure that we will be able to complete our beta product including multi jurisdictional business, hosting and trust registration, initial hardware costs, domain registrations and business accounts for all the external services we need and (hugely important) securing an enterprise application-grade front end creative design lead.

But many of you are expressing deep hunger for Panquake. Want it now. In fact, want it yesterday. We feel the same but working with a 99% volunteer team, the days are long and there’s not enough days in the week. Our team is amazing, as they juggle family commitments, day jobs & the huge passion they feel for this project. We value our team and we’re well aware of the risk of burn-out. So we need to start working on stretch funding goals so we can have dedicated staff working full-time to finish and deliver Panquake ASAP. This will make sure the platform is finished sooner, and our community gets to access and use it sooner. So, a win-win for all.

How are we going to get there? With your help, and not only your donations: Spread the word, share the links, make sure all of your networks know Panquake is coming - that it’s different, that it respects you and your privacy, that it will be advertising-free and that it will be available to all. A lot of people donating a little is how we will make this work. Be the change. If you haven’t donated yet, please consider doing that and please, please, please, spread the word and share, share, share!

We have been working hard on a large amount of content updates across a variety of platforms which will be announced imminently. We are sure you will be as proud as we are of the quality and quantity of work that is soon to be unveiled. We will write again soon!

All the best,

- The Panquake Team

NEW: Exclusive Look Under The Hood of Panquake

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community:

You asked for it and here it is! Get an exclusive look under the hood of our revolutionary new social media product Panquake with co-founders Suzie Dawson and Jo Booth, as well as Panquake executive committee members Sean O'Brien (Founder, Yale Privacy Lab) and ex NSA Technical Director Bill Binney.

Watch Dawson reveal, for the first time, back-end design slides from Panquake's development plan at this tech 'deep dive' event where viewers get to soak in much greater detail about the Panquake business model, architecture (including blockchain), commercialization, security and sustainability, licensing and privacy.

Transparency in action!

See the full 'Tech Deep-Dive' event footage now on our Vimeo channel: https://vimeo.com/504193358

Follow us on Twitter: @Panquake
On Facebook: facebook.com/TalkLiberation
On YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UC1jRZgfoZBT1fXd8a2Ia1Pw
On Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/Panquake

Thank you so much for your support of our crowdfunding campaign! The more money we raise, the faster we can develop this product, so every dollar you give is empowering us to get Panquake into your hands even sooner.

We so appreciate your supportive messages, your sharing of our content, your belief in us and this product. It means the world!

Let us know what you thought of the event at contact@talkliberation.com

All the best,

- The Panquake Team

We Promise. We Deliver!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Panquake Community - as promised, we have more exciting news for you!

TECH DEEP-DIVE EVENT: SUNDAY 24TH @ 8PM EST. Press release: https://panquake.link/PQpr3

We are thrilled to confirm that this weekend you will get your first look under the hood of Panquake and get to see some of the groundbreaking innovations that will drive it. The event will feature a technical presentation by Panquake co-founders Suzie Dawson & Jo Booth, alongside Panquake executive team members Sean O'Brien (Founder, Yale Privacy Lab) and Bill Binney (ex NSA Technical Director), hosted by Panquake Media Director Taylor Hudak. The team will try to strike the delicate balance between making the event relatable to the wider less-technical audience of committed supporters who are curious as to how it all works, while also satisfying the thirst of hardcore techies for whom the devil is in the details. It will be fun and enlightening and our team is very much looking forward to it!


Hardcore Panquake fans will not want to miss this: we have just published the full high quality 1080HD video of last weekend's Panquake launch event featuring 45 minutes of bonus content never seen before. That footage includes interviews with a variety of members of Panquakes core staff, who spoke from the heart about how they feel about Panquake and what their experience has been like being part of the team who is bringing this amazing next generation messaging technology to the world.

There were tears, there was laughter, there was heartfelt outpouring of emotion and we are just thrilled that you will get to see how genuine, kind-hearted and loving the team building Panquake really is.

These are the people you are empowering to solve your social media problems and it's wonderful that you finally get to meet them!

A series of short clips of each main panel speaker from last week's event will be pumped out of our social media channels over the next 48 hours in the lead-up to Sunday's 'Tech Deep-Dive' event. Please keep an eye out for these and help us to circulate the important messages contained within.

The more effectively we spread and circulate this content, the more people come to know about the project - propelling donations, which in turn accelerate the build and release of Panquake's life changing social media solutions to you and to the world.

Thanks again for all your support! Our next update will be early next week, post Sunday's event.

With gratitude and appreciation
- The Panquake Team

You Are Making Panquake A Success. What's Next?

Update posted on Donate

Dear beloved Panquake Community:

We have some goodies for you! This has been an incredible week, with your love, support, contributions, commitment and advocacy surging us above 35% of our initial funding goal in just a matter of days. We have been inundated with excited and encouraging messages from the public via social media and our communication channels and our dedicated support team have genuinely enjoyed interacting with you.

In the background, we've been doing vital things like refining business processes, workflows and exploring opportunities to ensure we can do the best possible job of serving the incredible user base that is already forming around Panquake. We've also been recruiting some even more amazing people who you will likely know and love, to join our expanding team! More on this soon. :)

In the foreground, our Media Director Taylor Hudak has begun booking appearances and the first of these, with Peter Lavelle on CrossTalk is now available for your viewing pleasure: You can view the full show here or if you would prefer to listen to the audio, there is a podcast version of the show available too. In it, Taylor and Panquake co-Founder Suzie Dawson appear alongside Panquake endorser, comedian Lee Camp and do an excellent job of commentating on why Panquake is so relevant in the current sociopolitical context. Expect more fantastic media appearances from our crew in the coming days, weeks and months!

There will be one more important campaign update later today with an accompanying press release, which will be very much of interest to anyone who wants to know more about our business model, the technical architecture behind Panquake, or further details about how we'll be rolling out this product to the public, so please keep an eye out for that.

It's important to us to strike a balance between keeping you updated on what is happening with Panquake, while not constantly bombarding your inbox! So we ask: please let us know, would you like more or less frequent updates from us? We love consulting with our community and will follow your lead. Please email your comments to contact@talkliberation.com and simply put "More updates please!" or "Less updates please!" in the title of the email and we will tally the results and act on your wishes.

Thanks so much for everything you are doing to expedite the build of this project. Ultimately, the more funding we get from the public, the more talented people we can hire to build this product faster, and the sooner we get it into your hands. So your continued circulating and promotion of our donation link is bringing Panquake to the world faster. We see hundreds of you are doing exactly that, every single day, and ultimately you and your efforts are propelling this technology forward. Because we aren't backed by any corporate or government funds, YOU collectively are our PR team, and you are kicking butt and we love you for it!

We will write again later today, with news about this weekend's upcoming event.

Until then,

- The Panquake Team

Launch Event Video Released!

Update posted on Donate

Dear Community - what an incredible 24 hours it has been. Despite the steep censorship we faced during our launch event, which forced us to pre-record and belatedly release the content and endorsements from our amazing panel of speakers (Hedges, Dore, Ellwood, Camp, Lavelle, Christine Assange & more), we have been inundated by messages of support and humbled by your generous backing & sharing of this campaign despite the challenges we have faced.

The full story of what has been going on for us and the phenomenal response from our supporters is detailed in our latest Press Release, which you - our donors - are receiving first before we post the release via any other channels. You can read all about it at this link https://panquake.com/PQpr-2.pdf

Additionally, the event video is now available via Vimeo - please watch it here https://vimeo.com/501631303 and if you love it, share it far and wide!

A higher resolution unedited copy of the event with additional bonus content will follow in time - it will likely take several days to upload and process due to the size but we wanted to get this shorter version out to you ASAP as we know how many of you have been excitedly waiting to see it!

Updates on this crowdfunding page will be prioritised above public channels going forward to reward you for your loyalty and trust in backing this campaign.

Thank you so much for your lovely messages, your generosity and your support of this product. We have a very, very dedicated team working overtime to realise the hope and the incredible opportunity that Panquake is for us all.

We will write again soon!

Until then,
- The Panquake Team

Project X is Panquake

Update posted on Donate

Panquake is Talk Liberation: transparently delivering powerful next generation amplification tools to transform your social reach and engagement. It's time! Come #TalkLiberation at panquake.com to discover solutions and innovations beyond your imagination

Official Press Releases

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Want to see this product delivered sooner? Donate

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